
You can make anything
by writing


by Christie Yang Jun 23. 2020

심심해서 사워도우브래드 만들기에 도전했어요, 함께해요!

Quarantine에 지친 당신에게...같이 빵, 빵, 빵을 만들어보아요

I live in LA and it has been so boring ever since we had to stay at home since March and had to do something with my uncomplicated life. Something that can make me happy and continue doing it to get out of my same routines, watching Netflix, Youtube and Ticktock. Well, I sometimes go out for grocery shopping maybe once or twice a week. Unbelievably, I just stay home ALL DAY. Well other than that. I used to go out for a walk in my neighborhood, but recently the corona virus spread rate has gone up drastically and I am afraid to go outside. I sometimes go to La Brea Bakery to pick up some savory Rosemary and Olive bread and sourdough bread. Yes, that's it! I always wanted to bake sourdough bread. I gave up or avoided myself baking it because the most important ingredient called a "STARTER" takes forever to make it. I started to look for "how to make a sourdough bread" and there are tons of YouTube videos and blogs on internet. Well, I have two choices. I can make it right away with the commercial yeast or wait for at least 14 days until I make it from the scratch in an ancient ways. Cool, I can make the starter with just water and flour but with patience, love and care. Since I am home all day these days, why not try to make Pandemic Sourdough Bread. What makes it special to make sourdough bread with starter is that it is very healthy for your stomache and its lower phytate levels make it more nutritious and and easier to digest.

According to the website, there are four reasons to eat sourdough bread. It seems that lactic acid bacteria during its fermentation is much more than just great for your taste buds but also super treat to yourself. It requires a process which requires patience and planning while the dough undergoes a series of transformation. If you have grabbed a loaf of sourdough bread from the market, it is most likely not a true sourdough compared to "traditional sourdough" bread. Instead of using sourdough starter which takes a few weeks to make it, it contains various agents such as baker's yeast, vinegar or yogurt to speed up the production from process to a couple of hours. 

So, why should you take time to make a  sourdough bread in a traditional way?

1. Sourdough bread beats the bloat. The long slow fermentation process involved in making sourdough bread break down FODMAP(Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols) in the wheat, so that your digestion does not have to work so hard. FODMAPs are short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed  and it can casue bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, wind and abdominal pain. FODMAP diet is also another thing I want to talk about in my next writing. Today, I made my starter with the guideline from and hope to make a successful sourdough bread with the starter. It takes 14 days to make a perfect starter and some may find it is ready in 7 days. I am going to wait for 14 days and today was just the day 1. Mix 1/2 cup (113g) of flour and 1/2 cup (113g) of water into a paste. Store it in a clean locking lid jar with the rubber seal removed. Keep your jar in a draft-free place at room temperature. This is the beginning of your starter! 

2. Sourdough bread makes gluten more digestible. Gluten is the protein which is found in wheat, rye, and barley and which some people find very hard to digest. The lengthy fermentation process pre-digests the gluten, breaking down some of the indigetible proteins and literally making bread easier to stomach. Some initial studies in Italy have demonstrated that fermenting dough over 48 hours can significantly break down the gluten – another good reason to avoid the speedy supermarket sourdough!

3. Sourdough bread is higher in vitamines, minerals and antioxidents. The advantage of sourdough is that the slow fermentation process appears to improve the bioavailability of these important nutrients, which increases their concentration and makes them easier for the body to absorb. Wholegrain flour is naturally  rich in  B vitamins, vitamin E and a range of minerals and antioxidants. I will try with wholegrain flour next time. My only option is Gold Medal All-purpose flour that is in my cupbaord.

4. Sourdogh bread will keep you going for longer. The longer your dough is fermented, the greater the proportion of soluble fibre in the bread. Sourdough is also high in resistant starch which passes through the gut without being digested. This combination of soluble fibre and resistant starch generates a feeling of satiety which keeps you fuller for longer. Lengthy fermentation also increases the levels of organic acids in the bread which slows down the breakdown of the carbohydrate in the body, helping to stabilise blood sugar levels and promote sustained energy.

6/22/2020  I just started making my first sourdough starter. I mixed 50g of flour and 50g of water in a clean jar. I will try to feed it at the same time everyday. I did it at around 5:00pm. I hope it makes a great starter so I can share it with my family, friends and neighbors. Cross my finger! Today is our family celebration day for coming to America as immigrants! Wow, I almost forgot about it, I need to call my sisters NOW. BYE, everyone. Stay safe and healthy! LA Baker, signing out.

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