
You can make anything
by writing


by chulwoong Aug 15. 2016

마우레인 모런

Moureen Mooren_Graphic

Tell us about the main concept and the process of the identity.

Marres is less of an institute. as it organizes exhibitions but also initiates many off-site projects, not only in the city where it is located. The new identity should express this open structure and its experimental curatorial attitude.

The identity had to be something which is at least the opposite of static institutional voice, and should be experimental in terms of the graphic appearance.

The main idea for the identity was not to make a single logo for MARRES, but to make multiple logos, one for each printed item. It could be the whole word MARRES or just printed item. It could be the whole word MARRES or just an M. Most of the time the logos are drawn, they become more of signs than readable words, most fo the time created without using existing fonts. It funtions as an identity partly because of the lack of a logo, and partly because of the other elements which are somewhat repeated, such as random typographic treatments, the use of B/W, etc. The website of Marres is a complete archive. Every activity is documented and can be found on the site. There are three differented and can be found on the site. There are three different ways how you can navigate. First by the conventional way, you can find a menu on top (info, programme, marres books, agenda). Second by scrolling form top till bottom, you can browse their programme in chronological order. and last by clicking on random images of printed matter or sentences. When using the third method you don't know where you go. The images are small and when you click on them they get bigger and by the second click you come to the information related to those images. What is special about this website is that the bigger the screen, the more imgages you see.

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