
You can make anything
by writing


by chulwoong Aug 17. 2016

금호 미술관 20주년 전시 아이덴티티


With this exhibition, the museum was aiming to show how they have succeded last 20 years as a private museum. It could be noly an one-off event which comes around every 10 years, or it could be a critical opportunity with which the museum can promote their original identity and approach that they have accumulated since its opening. Our idea was to abstract the time and the space of the museum. On the first poster shich takes calendar format, we overlapped the 20 years of its history on the December 2009 calendar to show the axis of time. The second poster reveals the number "20" obtained from the exaggerated perspective of the museum facade, to show the building, i.e. the sapce.

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