
You can make anything
by writing


by 희언 Jan 24. 2018

해변에서 탑승 수속을 기다릴 수 있다면?

Virgin Holiday: Departure Beach

트렌드와칭에서 보내주는 innovation of the day.

오늘은 버진 홀리데이의 'Departure Beach'에 대한 소식이다.

올 여름부터, 호텔에서 고객들을 픽업해주고, 짐 관련 절차도 밟아주고, 그 다음으로 해변으로 향한다. 

여행 중 그다지 유쾌하지 않은 기존의 절차를 좀더 특별하고도 '인스타그래머블' 순간으로 만들어 주는 기획이다.

Tour operator Virgin Holidays is set to open the first-ever ‘departure beach’ in summer 2018, letting fliers chill oceanside while they wait to board in Barbados. Virgin picks tourists up from their hotel, checks their baggage for them, and then takes them to the beach. While there, visitors receive their boarding pass and a locker for storing their hand luggage. Travelers can then enjoy the beach, unlimited refreshments, and an air-conditioned lounge. Virgin also provides beach towels and has a shower facility. The service starts at GBP 15.

Never before has ‘waiting for my plane’ been such a relaxing/ brag-worthy experience. Indeed while the Experience Economy has been a trend for decades now, this shows the endless opportunities to make every moment of the customer experience count. And while creating  Instagrammable moments might be easier when you’ve got a tropical beach as an extravagant backdrop, use this example to spark a conversation with your colleagues: are there tedious or (dare we say) painful stages in your customer’s journey that can be transformed into share-worthy status stories?

여행사 tour operator

하려고 한다 be set to V

최초의 first-ever

가격은 ~부터 시작한다 The XXX starts at 가격

extravagant = very expensive and not necessary

고객 여정 관련 표현

every moment of the customer experience

stages in your customer's journey

+ 자랑할 만한 brag-worthy 

cf) Instagrammable, share-worthy status stories

- tedious, painful

Indeed while ...., this shows 명사(구)

endless opportunities to V

letting + O + chill

make + O + count

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