
You can make anything
by writing


by SSon May 10. 2023


누구나 마음속에 소세지 하나쯤은 있다

 글을 쓰기 시작하면서 영문으로도 써보고 싶은 마음이 생겼다. 부족하지만 또 하나의 도전으로 써 내려가보려고 한다.


This story is one of my memorable memories in my childhood. It’s about a sad and memorable event at the same time. I have a sister and a brother while I’m the middle one. When I was around 15, we brought our lunch boxes which were prepared by our mother. She practiced economy in family budget at that time. When she prepared our lunch boxes, she used some ingredients like vegetables and fish instead of meat. Kinds of meat was a little on the expensive side, so we could eat them rarely. One of my favorite side dishes were sausages. One day, when I woke up early in the morning, I smelled grilled sausages. I expected it’s what’s in my lunch box today. However, when I opened it, I couldn’t see any.

What happened? I asked my siblings what was the menu of their lunch boxes were. Their answer was that I already guessed. My mother gave some sausages only to them. I was disappointed of what my mother did. I felt very sad at that time, but I did not tell her about it. I did not have the courage to tell her that know what she did. Just several months before my wedding, we talked about that story in our family gathering as we look back in the past. My mother did not remember what she did. However, she was sorry and apologized to me about it. She said she might think I could understand about that issue because we are closer than my two siblings. I also guess she had limited sausages to give us during that time. She thought I was not that sensitive and didn’t care about it. I could not understand my mother at that time, but I can totally understand her now. I also know for a fact that she really loves me.

When bringing up a child, most of parents try to give something fairly. In my parent’s generation, they could not afford to consider everything about their kids, or they just did not know how to raise three children. As I’m getting older, I can understand what my parents did and now It all makes sense to me about the things that I didn’t realize before. Everyone has their own ‘sausages’ in their lives. Why don’t we accept these kinds of issues naturally? It could happen to anyone at any time, it could serve us a good lesson.

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