엄마의 그림일기 - 왜
아들은 왜 나랑만 잘려고 하나
남편은 왜 설겆이를 하는데 한시간이 걸리나
미세먼지는 왜 너네나라로 안가고 우리나라로 오는거냐
바퀴벌레는 왜 나 혼자 있을 때만 나타나는 거냐
Reasons what makes me be red-hot.My son insists on me at every night.My husband takes so long time to do the dishes.Chinese smog comes to my country, not your country.Roaches appear when I'm alone!!!
Reasons what makes me be red-hot.
My son insists on me at every night.
My husband takes so long time to do the dishes.
Chinese smog comes to my country, not your country.
Roaches appear when I'm alone!!!