
You can make anything
by writing


by 김동섭 Jan 29. 2020

1st Concert since 1979 Tragedy

The Who is an English rock band formed in London in 1964. They experienced a tragedy of 11 people’s deaths in Cincinnati by a stampede at one of their shows 1979. They announced that they will perform in Cincinnati, Ohio, for the first time since that tragedy. The purpose of the concert is to remember  the victims and to discuss about it.

The band’s members did not know about the incident because nobody mentioned about it. Longtime manager Bill Cirbishley decided to have The Who perform. He told Cincinnati officials that if the concert was cancelled, the big crowd would have gone to be uncontrollable. After the concert, the band left Cininnati and moved on to the next destination for another concert. The remaining members are still regretting the fact that they just followed their concert schedule without deep thoughts. The decision is now so painful that they say,  “We are not forgiving us. We should have stayed.” However, they want to atone for their runaway and give a new hope to the place where the tragedy took place.

A similar tragedy happened in Seoul Station, Korea, in 1960. During the Chinese New Year’s Day, the season for returning home, a stampede happened that killed 31 people and injured 49 people. After that human-made disaster, Korean Railway decided to increase the number of trains of Seoul-Mokpo LIne. The Seoul Major expressed the renovation plan of Dongdaemun Stadium, Hyochang Stadium,  and Jangchung Stadium to prevent tragedies like stampedes.

Therefore, I think we humans cannot foresee what disaster will happen, so we should prepare some measures to avoid unexpected tragedies.  

One-Writing-A-Day Challenge, No. 5/1000

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