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by 김동섭 Jan 31. 2020

Smart Court that is blind

The ‘smart court’ is ‘internet courts’ operated by the city of HangZhou in 2017. It includes non-human judges powered by artificial intelligence, or AI. The internet court only deals with cases involving legal disputes over digital matters, which are internet trades issues, copyright cases and disputes over online product sales. Digital court cases in China have increased in recent years, as the number of mobile payments and internet-based businesses have grown. Chinese love online shopping and it is still growing fast due to 850 million domestic internet users.

I think the idea of online court is a good idea, since many people need the help of legal actions due to the growing disputes on the internet. However, a user in need of juridical ruling had to spend many days to register the case and wait for the offline trial. In a huge country like China , an individual should have felt  annoyed because of the slow speed of the judicial process.

First thing first. There must be human judges ruling over virtual judges. However, it seems not clear that how many human judges are evolved in the service and how they are designated in cases. Who knows if someone engaged in the management of the system is able to change some part of the algorithm to give a favor to someone? I think there is a possibility of biased justice manipulated by someone having the power. Generally, Chinese people are unable to get anger when an official system seriously affects their human rights under the blind process, because they have been living in an undemocratic decision-making society since their births. This kind of systems must have been tested in a considerable trial period of time and examined through public hearings.

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