
You can make anything
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by 김동섭 Feb 03. 2020

The person of 2019

about a climate activist, Greta Thunberg

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Greta Thunberg is a climate activist who is just a 16 years old Swedish girl. She was named by Time magazine as its 2019 Person of the Year. She won the award for sounding  the alarm about human cruelty to our planet. Her strong leadership has drown huge crowds at protests and conferences related to climate change. It has moved world village citizens to react to her suggestion, but world leaders have seemed to understand the climate issue but hesitate to take actions by their political decision.

Some have respect her activism, including her speeches requiring world leaders’  action on global warming.  But others have criticized her combative way of communication. I think, however, she deserved to win the award, although she is not the only one activist on that issue. Since the present generation is taking some reactions but cannot work hard like the next generation who will live in the destroyed world. 

As I know, young people intently have become vegans not to do any harm to our nature. Greta Thunberg a climate activist, sound  the alarm about human cruelty to our planet. Draw huge crowd at protests and conferences. She like to show her action and distrust to world leaders, who pretend to understand the climate change but hesitate to take action by their political decision.

The present generation is doing some actions but cannot work hard like the next generation who will live in the destroyed world. So, nowadays, young people intently become vegans to do any harm to our nature. This kind of washing

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