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by 김동섭 Feb 03. 2020

Meditation with VR

VR meditation apps will soon be a trend?

Guided Meditation VR is the most popular one among VR Meditation Apps

What is Meditation? Literally, it means “to think something with closed eyes”. However, if you try the real meditation, then you could realize its gurus are asking you to stop to think and focus on feeling your body breathing the air. By doing that, you can set your agony to be free little by little which comes from complex thoughts. According to a study done by Prof J.P. Linda, 8 weeks meditation increased subjects’ work performance by 6.15%, and reduced depression by 28.84%, anxiety by 30.29%, and stress by 32.0%.

No relation with this, the number of meditation trainees have been increasing due to their experiential evidence and interest. According to KBS(Korea Broadcasting System) News referring to American Decease Controlling and Prevention Center, trainees had been grown from 4.1 % to 14.2% in number, which is more than 3 times growth. In addition, Google, Eight and US Marine are already paying for their employees’ meditation programs. This indicates that meditation has become a trend in the US IT industry, which is growing 11.4 % each year and over 3.3 billion dollar in 2020. Wall Street Journal said there were about 2,000 smartphone apps in the market. UK government designated meditation as a policy for teenagers’ mental health.

After my acknowledging the bloom of meditation in the digital content market, I wondered how many VR meditation apps launched and what the advantages users could have. In other words, trainees usually close their eyes and listen to a guru's vocal guidance to follow the instruction, so the visual guidance or synthetic natural environment is necessary, or it is just a hindrance to concentrating on the guiding voice. I will do a research about it, since VR meditation apps could follow the trend of VR smartphone meditation apps.

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