
You can make anything
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by 김동섭 Mar 09. 2020

Normal Bad Mood or Depression

One-Writing-A-Day Challenge, No. 16/1000

Laurel Foster participates in a Stanford University research study to help detect depression.

The C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health recuried 819 adults in the U.S. They are men and women who had at least one child in middle school, junior high or high school. These parents were asked about their roles and the roles of schools in perceiving youth depression. In a story on the poll, a majority of parents were sure “they may be able to notice depression in their preteen or teenager.” However, two-thirds of parents admitted they had problems recognizing “signs and symptoms of this mental health disorder.”

Sara Clark is a co-director of the study. She notes these transitions cna make it a difficult challenge “understanding a child’s emotional state” and “whether there is possible depression disorder.”

For this reason, every parent has different expectation about their children growth. A little child is much cuter, but becoming a normal teenager is a sign of their normali[ty.


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