
You can make anything
by writing


by 김동섭 Mar 23. 2020

COVID'd change MyWorkingStyle

One-Writing-A-Day Challenge, No. 17/1000

Long Commutes to jobs are likely to cause sleep problems and lack of exercise. We should think about the effects that our job situation may have on our health.

I also spend two hours to commute to work everyday. I am pleased with my daily commute routine, since I can read books and watch movies on the subway for that time. However if possible, I want to reduce the distance between my  workplace and  home. If I could save some time from long distance commuting, I might use it to exercise.

In Korea, some companies have accepted a flexible work system. However, I am still concerned about a flexible work schedule on employees, since I am already accustomed to woking with people in person. At the same time, I guess that programming jobs are more fit to that kind of arrangement, unlike my position as director of a department. If somebody  wants to work from home only for his personal reason, I might not be willing to let him do that. Since communication through media is not that reliable. I feel reluctant to try that way of work. I believe people need to gather at one place and work together, so they could talk when seeing each other face to face.

I fear to try it because I am afraid that I could be less productive from my supervisors’ views. I am leader of a department, so that I am also worried that my department members might be out of my control, since I cannot see them working.

However, if young people can hear my thoughts on telecommuting work, they would surely think I am a person from the old generation who cannot adjust himself to change of the times. Hence, I think I need to try it when an opportunity is given to me. I do not want to someone in my workplace infected by COVID-19 though, I am also aware that infection could affect my working style. Therefore I realize I have been afraid of something which must not be worried about.


매거진의 이전글 Normal Bad Mood or Depression

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