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by 차두원 Feb 02. 2019

NIS 자료들

National Innovation System, OECD, 1997. 

Benoit Godin, National Innovation System: The System Approach in Historical Perspective

Giovanna Vertova,  The State and National Systems of Innovation: A Sympathetic Critique, 2016. 

Wojcich Nasierowski, A Conceptual Framework for Formalization of National Innovation Systems, 2012. 

Vanessa Casadella et Dimitri Uzunidis, National Innovation Systems of the South, Innovation and Economic Development Policies: A Multidimensional Approach

The impact of the national innovation systems on the flow and benefits of foreign direct investment to national economics.

Naubahar Sharif, Understanding the “National Innovation System” Conceptual Approach as a Social and Governmental Technology

Bengt-Åke Lundvall,  The origins of the national innovation system concept and its usefulness in the era of the globalizing economy, 2015. 

Giovanna Vertova,  The State and National Systems of Innovation: A Sympathetic Critique, 2016. 

Thanakrit LersmethasakulNIS PPT 

ROBERT D. ATKINSON and STEPHEN EZELL,  Principles for National Innovation Success

National Innovation Systems and Globalization

Bengt-Åke Lundvall , National Innovation Systems - Analytical Concept and Development Tool, 2007. 


Markus Balzat and Andreas Pyka, Mapping National Innovation Systems in the OECD Area, 2005. 

Ariel L. WirkiermanTommaso Ciarli and Maria Savona, Varieties of European National Innovation Systems, 2018. 

Matthew M. C. Allen, The National Innovation System in Germany

The National Innovation System of Japan, 2018. 

National Innovation Systems in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), 2015. 

UN-CTAD, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Reviews (STIP Reviews), 

Aaron Melaas and Fang Zhang, National Innovation Systems in the United States and China

A Brief Review of the Literature, 2016. 

Mei-Chih Hu, John A. Mathews, Evolution of China's national innovation system and its challenges in technological development  

National innovation system of the United States

Melaas, National Innovation Systems in the United States and China, 2016. 

Robert Atkinson, Understanding U.S. National Innovation System, ITIF, 2014. 6. 

Building a national innovation system: What can we learn from Korea?, 2012. 

Martin Hemmert, The Korean Innovation System: From Industrial Catch-Up to Technological Leadership?, 2008

Nayanee Gupta, et. al, Innovation Policies of South Korea, Institute for Defense Analysis, 2013. 

Keun Lee, The National Innovation System (NIS) for the Catch-up and Post-catch-up Stages in South Korea, 2017 

Yoo Soo Hong, Transformation of Innovation Systems and Governance in Korea: Toward

a Horizontal Policy Regime 

Yoo Soo Hong, Evolution of the Korean NIS and Technological Capability Building

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Korea, OECD, 2014. 

Andre Roland Charles, Korea's National Innovation System, 2016. 

Stephen Feinson, NIS Overview and Country Cases- Brazil and Korea, 1998. 

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