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by K호랭이 Oct 25. 2024

Language Learning Environment

언어 학습 환경

How Do Little Kids Learn Language?

How do young children learn language?

What kind of environment facilitates language learning for kids?

Every child grows up in a unique background with different parental influences. 

For example, consider Kid A, who has strong communication with her parents and enjoys plenty of playtime. Kid A travels around the world and has an abundance of books in her bedroom. In contrast, Kid B has busy parents and often finds himself alone, watching TV and eating instant food.

Kid A has numerous opportunities to learn and have fun, while Kid B has limited chances for interaction and practice. Kid A reads about various countries, while Kid B lacks opportunities to engage with language meaningfully.

Which situation is more similar to yours?

What differences do you notice between your experience and those of others? 

Have you ever considered the complex nature of what you’ve learned, such as language?

This research highlights important findings in understanding these dynamics. 


Lew-Williams, C., & Weisleder, A. (2017). How do little kids learn language? Frontiers for Young Minds, 5, 1-8.

이전 17화 The impact of schooling
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