
매거진 orange3

You can make anything
by writing


by 김영하 Oct 08. 2022

Orange3가 업그레이드 되었습니다.

Orange3 3.32.0 -> 3.33.0 

안녕하세요! Orange3가 2022년 10월 3일자로 3.32.0에서 3.33.0으로 업그레이드 되었습니다.

개선과 버그 픽스가 이루어 졌는데, 앞으로 뭐가 좋아졌는지 확인해 봐야겠습니다. ^^

무엇보다 이제 PyQt6를 지원하네요. 안정적이고 멋진 인터페이스를 기대해보겠습니다.


drophandlers: Preserve defaults history (#6069)

owlogisticregression: Add option for no regularization (#6093)

Predictions: Show errors (#6012)

Add support for PyQt6 (#5884)

Feature Constructor: Make concurrent (#5992)

Feature constructor optimization (#5975)

Discretize: Simplify interface, add nicer binning (#5919)


owboxplot: Fix an error in widget cleanup during tests (#6136)

Group By - fix std and sum for TimeVariable (#6133)

Handle timezones in Edit Domain (#6123)

owfeatureconstructor: Cast FeatureFunc result to array (#6115)

Server embedder - send bytes as content (#6051)

plotutils - replace MidButton with MiddleButton (#6124)

Feature Constructor cast function is not picklable (#6002)

test_owfile: Fix unreliable


Embedders - fix proxies, default on http, tests (#6028)

TableModel: Define foreground color when providing background (#6011)

owdistancemap: Fix an implicit float->int conversion error (#5998)

Neighbours - support Table derived output types (#5986)

Predictions: allow predicting probabilities for classless data (#5972)

owcsvimport: Reduce sample size (#5960)

make usable_scorers backwards compatible (#5943)

owpythonscript: Fix implicit float to int cast error (#5944)

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