
You can make anything
by writing



God's plan in your name

God changed the name of Abram that means ‘a big uncle’ to Abraham ‘the father of a host of nations.’

The name in the East contains one’s life and future. Think about Jacob the younger brother of Issac. The name Jacob means ‘a heel’, not much impressive, but later the angel named him Israel which means ‘wrestles with God.’

We all have our own name given by our parents or grandparents who wished that we became someone successful and great. 

My Korean name is that case. My first Korean name is Sung Lae and the last name Kim. My grandpa named me, wishing that I would be a successful businessman. 

When I went to China to work and introduced my name in Chinese, every Chinese said my name was very good in terms of meaning and words. Kim Sung Lae(金成來) literally means earning gold and coming back. 

Furthermore, my birthday is August 8th. Chinese love the number 8 which brings about fortune. I was born to be a rich man in China.

Now you see I am not a successful businessman. God’s way is always surprising.

What is your name? What does your name mean to you?

We have one name that is Christian the follower of Christ. We also have our own baptismal name. I believe we need to strive to become a more Christian to others in Lent and reflect on our baptismal name that surely contains God’s special plan for each of us.

매거진의 이전글 Testimony
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