
You can make anything
by writing



Life as a testimony

The word testimony reminds me of the same word in Latin ‘Testamonium’ that I had to submit to the seminary after every breaks when I was a seminarian.

Testamonium is a testament that a pastor in the parish testifies on a seminarian in terms of his works, relationships with others, prayer life, and any issues during the break.

Sometimes testamonium shows a great impact on the life of a seminarian when the faculty in the seminary evaluate a seminarian at the end of semester whether he is ready to move on in the formation or should be expelled from the seminary. Testamonium is a written statement that reveals who a seminarian is.

Jesus talks about a testimony that he does not need. The Father in heaven knows all about His Son and He and the Father are one. 

However, Jesus knows that people need it because human testimony is treated important. 

We all need a testimony to proof who we are. But, I rather would like to have testimony on me from my heart instead of others’ because I know myself and what is in my heart. 

Especially in the season of Lent, I should exam on my thoughts and deeds more carefully because my Lord is suffering for me.

The Lord has been writing a love letter to us since the human being was able to write something on pypirus. God’s infinite love for human being is the Old Testament and the New Testament that shares God’s expression of love for us. 

So when I am depressed or feel lost, I open the Scripture to see love and conviction of the Lord on me. The Lent is a time to read and stay in the Scripture.

Our life is a testament that shows who we are. We are writing the testimony on our life one line a day. 

We are engaged in writing just one book, a single volume entitled Life, our expiring book written with all our life.

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