
You can make anything
by writing


Men of their words

Advent Goal

Jesus says today that entering the Kingdom of heaven depends on what we do, not what we say.

We say a lot of things mostly for our own sakes. Jesus points out that as we say, 'Lord, Lord!'

We could call the name of the Lord, but if we only ask favors from the Lord and act nothing for others, we won't be the one who does the will of the Father in heaven.

Our Holy Father is called 'A man of his word.' The reason that Pope Francis is well received and respected by all kinds of people around the world is the correspondence between his words and his deeds.

We are blessed to have such a holy man who shows Jesus through his presence. I admire him not only as Holy Father but also as a brother priest and a Christian. I often feel shame, finding myself short to follow and imitate our Father on earth. God keep him well!

The season of advent is a time of prayer, waiting for the Lord's coming. At the same time, we need to take care of our close ones like our parents, children, family members, and friends because the advent should be a time of action in prayer.

What our close ones need is not worldly things like presents and all kinds of stuff but our time and attention. Let us be presents to our close ones!

No one wants to start building a house on sand. But if we do not act on our words, it will be like that. 

Being steady and fast to our action in prayer in the time of Advent will rock it!

매거진의 이전글 Time of God's Visitation
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