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Time of God's Visitation

Our readiness

"Jesus saw Jerusalem and wept over it"(Luke 19,41).

It is a rare incident that Jesus wept which is only found again in the death of Lazarus, a brother of Mary and Martha.

What is Jerusalem in this time? I think of our country divided by ideologies and political views, and a widening gap between the rich and the poor and deaths of so many lives caused by our irresponsibilities. We could weep over the country.

I also think of the earth suffering by environmental crisis. "Our house is on fire." Greta Thunberg said. But we do not have any feasible actions to stop the global warming over which we should weep.

The reasons of Jesus' weeping could be our ignorances. First, we do not know what makes for peace. There is a war between Russia and Ukraine and a different war in our hearts. 

We have so many conflicts in our desires. Jesus asks us to be awake in the time of troubles. We need awakened hearts with repentance.

Second, we do not recognize the time of God's visitation. On last Tuesday, the first reading read, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will enter his house and dine with him and he with me"(Revelation 3,14).

Are we ready to open the door to the Lord who has been knocking on our hearts?

It is a time to be repentant and awake especially in the last week of the year according to the liturgical calendar. 

The last Sunday of the year will ask us to be ready to receive Jesus Christ, King of the Universe in our heart.

매거진의 이전글 Amazing Grace
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