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Amazing Grace

For Itaewon's victims

Whether you are Republicans or Democrats, you would remember the moment when Barack Obama sang Amazing Grace during the 2015 funeral service for one of the victims of the Charleston, S.C., church shooting.

In recent, the Former President talked about his situation at that time. He said that he 'ever came to just losing hope about the country' after Congress failed to pass meaningful gun reform in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012.

So when a white gunman murdered nine Black members of a Bible study group, Obama recalled, "I don't have anything left to say. I feel like I've used up all my words."

At the funeral for Rev. Clementa Pinckney, a state senator and personal friend, Obama said, "just talking about the notion of grace as a recognition that we are fundamentally flawed and weak and, we don't deserve grace, but we get it sometimes."

Now my shaking heart goes with him when I have to face the tragedy of Itaewon Halloween incident. We have lost the beloved sons and daughters and just imagine how their parents and families feel like.

The victims are lost ones like the lost sheep and the lost coin in the Gospel. If we can be able to find them, we all rush for finding them. But, it is useless for they are gone.

Because of amazing grace, nevertheless, I dare to glimpse the light of hope that breaks through the wall of despair and death. I want to see amazing grace......amazing grace!

(I sing)

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

I sing grace because the merciful Father will go out to find the lost ones. 

I sing grace because we are going to meet them again in heaven.

I sing grace because grace will lead them home!

Barack Obama's Amazing Grace in 2015

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