
You can make anything
by writing


Thursday Bible Study

Making Jesus Visible

Every Thursday this semester, I have a Bible study with students in a college of pharmacy.

Opening the window, I turn a candle on and ten students gather after the classes. 

My mind silently tells them, "Peace be with you!"

We read Genesis one verse by one verse and then I teach the meaning and the background of the verses. I pray that the Holy Spirit open their minds to understand the Scriptures.

Sometimes I wonder why I am here in the University and what my mission would be. 

In the Bible study, I find that the mission of priests in the campus is to make Jesus visible, talkable and touchable. 

Jesus is not a ghost, so my mission is to show Jesus to the students.

The priests in the university are first called to be teachers but they are also ministers who walk with the students, not just teaching but listening to the stories of the students. 

The knowledge of priests are not comparable to professors who have worked hard to be one of the best in their fields. 

So priests are to accompany students with sensibility and spirituality in which students are led to see something or someone invisible.

We are witnesses of the Risen Christ who comes to the Bible study every Thursday. Amen.

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