
You can make anything
by writing


by 칠월의 앤 Jul 10. 2024

C'est la vie

Despite nihilism

Days passed while stranded in the archipelago.

The city airtight with fumes, but one thing the utterly disorganised city can be very pompous about is their sunset.

Inherited geographical blessing along the equator, I am enamored again and again at 17:30.

Hanging onto it to grapple with seeking the meaning or meanings of life.

Probably we are all born just for the sake of experiencing birth, life and death whether it can be understood or believed to be eternal or not.

Reading bunch of newspapers filled with angst, sorrows and fear. My life is certainly the matter of luxury. The innocent people is wiped out every second in elsewhere. Hedious scapegoating is conducted by another human to maintain the power which is the weakness, suppression.

Immersed into the graphic images of writings which I cannot help but gag.

Nonetheless, the Java sky is ridiculously or even I would say nonchalantly breathtaking. Hence, I look at it.

Without  clinging to obsession to look for meanings, I just enjoyed it.

C'est la vie.

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