
You can make anything
by writing


by 장인 Apr 12. 2018

[Course Management] 골프 코스

2. School of Design 

* School of Design (예. Natural, Penal, Strategic, Heroic, Freeway, Framing) 

Natural  (complete naturalness) 

Penal  (requiring forced carries) 

<그림 출처 : Golf Course Architecture  (Second Edition) / Dr. Michael J. Hurdzan / WILEY > 

Strategic  (offering multiple play lines) 

<출처 : Golf Course Architecture  (Second Edition) / Dr. Michael J. Hurdzan / WILEY >

Heroic  (bite-off as much as you can chew play lines) 

<출처 : Golf Course Architecture  (Second Edition) / Dr. Michael J. Hurdzan / WILEY >

Freeway  (all hazards are side hazards) 

<출처 : Golf Course Architecture  (Second Edition) / Dr. Michael J. Hurdzan / WILEY >

Framing  (“playable, fair designs”, hazards are minimized or eliminated or pushed so far out of play that their only purpose was as a framing’”device instead of strategic or penal tool)

In summary, golf courses have many faces, depending on where they are built. To succeed on a particular course, you must know the territory and its specific conditions, and adjust your game plan accordingly. 

- Robert Trent Jones, Jr

제가 골프코스 디자인과 관련하여 말씀드리고 싶은 이야기는 단 한 가지입니다. 

위에 Robert Trent Jones, Jr가 언급했듯이, 코스를 이해하고 그에 맞는 전략을 마음속으로 준비한다면 골프가 좀 만만해지실 겁니다. 

우리 모두 파이팅입니다.  

작가의 이전글 [Course Management] 골프코스
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