
매거진 Dream Maker

You can make anything
by writing


by GordonSun Aug 04. 2018

A DIversity and Immersion

A Domestic Training Report (IETTP 2018)

A Domestic training was divided into three sessions from March 24 to August 31. The main curriculum is based on 4 skills, which is the basic function of English. There was also a book workshop organized by trainees and club activities conducted by native English teachers. There are the three goals that I would like to achieve through this training. First, improving English teaching and learning methods in English by expanding exposure opportunities to English. Second, satisfying English learning needs by expanding opportunities to experience English. Third, Studying how to improve English communication skills and experiencing life habits and customs, and how to connect with the school.  studying various teaching and learning methods through various activity-centered English programs. 

1. Improve English teaching and teaching methods by expanding English exposure opportunities.

  In the classes of native speakers who were separated by session, they mainly engaged in activities to directly announce, plan, and write, apart from learning and experiencing. In Session 1, there was a lot of exposure to English, and I had time to improve my teaching and learning methods through activities planned based on this. In particular, there were public speaking improvement classes, listening to lessons using Joyce 's social issues, and writing lessons using David' s media through Brenton 's speech activities. Especially, the lesson of native English teacher Joyce was very impressed with the method of teaching and learning using emotion that was not seen in English class.

2. Enhancement of ability to meet English needs and communication skills by expanding English experience opportunities.

  In Session 2, the class was prepared to prepare for UK training. In other words, I tried to meet the training needs of trainees in UK training. In particular, I focused on enhancing my ability to communicate in the UK by focusing on unique English pronunciation. Jonathan focused on English pronunciation and slang through English sitcoms, Joey focused on developing skills through a current reading material, and Jessamine lessons focused on various writing methods. Especially, Jessamine 's British experience based on British experience has been very helpful in understanding the UK and it has been very helpful in actual UK training.

3. Acquire a variety of teaching and learning methods and gain 4 skills.

  Session 3 was the time to come back from studying in the UK and sort out what we had learned and experienced so far. Gillian's lessons in an effort to expand his writing skills in a completely new way of meditation, morning pages, and artist walk, Surette's lessons in trying to improve communication skills through field-oriented English, and linking current issues with activities Troy 's class which tried to improve the reading ability, and Ben' s class which focused on improving the listening ability by utilizing American drama. In particular, Gillian and Surette's lessons were very impressive, stimulating motivation for learning with a program that can make habituation in everyday life.


  There were three goals that I wanted to achieve through the training. First, by improving the English teaching and learning method in English by expanding exposure opportunities to English. Secondly, by meeting the needs of English learning through expanding opportunities to experience English and experiencing the history, lifestyle, and customs of English culture. Third, to improve the reading, writing, speaking and listening ability by learning diverse methods of teaching and learning through various activity - oriented English programs.

  During the six-month period, I was able to acquire a variety of teaching and learning methods through nine native-language teachers. The ability to communicate in English has been improved by expanding opportunities for natural exposure to English. This led to improved English teaching and learning confidence. Through learning English, I was able to discover my new face, find the talent I had and it was a good opportunity to develop it. Above all, I had confidence in English and have a clear understanding of planning and practice algorithms for English teaching and learning, and that I was ready to apply them to the field.


1.  I would like to train the 4 skills of each session step by step. I think it is good to utilize all native English teachers. But I think it is more effective to pursue immersion than to pursue diversity. In other words, I have to feel that the stage is going up when I deal with 4 skills of English by session. For example, in writing classes, journal writing and book writing were emphasized in every session. I never wrote a proper essay. I chose diversity, but I felt sorry that I could not concentrate on the curriculum for step-by-step improvement. I would like to organize a team by grouping the native language teachers of each session by the skills so that the education can be achieved in stages.  

2. I hope that process-based evaluation will be done. In the educational field, the process-oriented evaluation was the main factor, and the result was unsatisfactory in the training center. Of course, I think it is an inevitable choice for the performance report. However, when the evaluation is in session 3, which is the closing time of the training, there is a case that the training is not immersed in the training and only the evaluation is concerned. In other words, Session 3 is not a time for training but a time for evaluation, so the training itself is confused. So, I would have proceeded with the evaluation process. I know that native teachers are evaluating trainees by session. This is a traditional way for native teachers to evaluate trainees unilaterally. Trainees do not receive any feedback on the results of this evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is feedback. Evaluation without feedback is meaningless to trainees. There must be a feedback assessment of how trainees have improved on 4 skills per session. In order to do this, I think that the evaluation and presentation of 4 skills should be followed by each session. In other words, evaluation and feedback of individual trainees should be done for each session, so trainees themselves can clearly see what improvements they have made through the training. If possible, I would like you to receive reports from native speakers about the individual trainees used in the developed countries.

매거진의 이전글 Poem
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