
매거진 Dream Maker

You can make anything
by writing


by GordonSun Nov 06. 2018

A Farewell Speech

at IETTP closing ceremony

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the trainees who gave me this opportunity to give this farewell speech.

I have been studying at CIFLE since 2016. 

So far, do you know what I was most envious while being trained? 

Score?  As you know, I am not interested in the score. I am interested in giving this speech. On the last day of training, I was envied those who gave a speech in front of everyone. So it was my goal to make a speech. Perhaps this is my last training in CIFLE. You have made my dream come true.

From now on, I would like to begin the speech.

I am a time traveler.

Perhaps we are all time travelers. 

Time is given to everyone equally, but the length of time differs depending on the purpose and use of it. To one person, one minute of urgently needing to use the toilet, can be a long time, but spending one minute with beautiful people is a very short time.

Six months, long? Or was it short? It was very short for me. 

Perhaps you will all feel that it was a short amount of time. 

Then what is happiness? When do we feel happiness?

Jamie is my roommate. He said at the hotel last week.

 "The bed is comfortable, so I'm lying down and sleeping." He immediately snored. Happiness happens when you feel this comfort. 

Jamie felt happy because he was in bed.

We spent six months together. It was comfortable. 

I have felt comfortable with everyone in a very short amount of time.

I have been happy these past six months. 

I was happy to be with you. 

Our native English teachers showed us various ways to enjoy using English. 

I was happy  because of  you.  

The director and supervisors who have made efforts to provide quality programs. 

I was happy  because of you. 

Employees of the General Affairs Department who are encouraged us to continue receiving our training in comfort. I am happy  because of you.

Dispatch teachers who helped us in everything. I was happy  because of  you.

Especially, a big thank you James. Every trainees please give big hand to him.

My colleagues who encouraged each other and showed warm companionship. 

I was happy for six months because of you. 

Let's give a big applause to everyone.

Jessamine, Gillian, Surette, thank you. You have awakened my sleepy poet inside of me. I would like to share this poem with all of you here.                    

Looking down this dark faceless road

A larva I'm all alone

Crawling, praying to be something new

Breaking through my scars to survive

A pupa I sleep alone

Resting, waiting for my wounds to heal

Snowy winter covers the night

But I hold on to dreams inside

When the spring breeze opens the light

Then you'll Know it's my time to rise and fly

Spread my wings and fly away

Ride the wind sailing on the world today

Sing a song reach for the sky

Flying butterfly God save me

Brenton, Joyce, David, Jonathan, Joseph, Jessamine, Ben, Troy, Surette, and Gillian

Your efforts and dedication cannot be expressed in words. You made us perfect. 

We appreciate your enthusiasm while teaching us.

Hailey, Kate, Yu, Katherine, Christine, Bella, Julie, Fiona, Joy, Hana, Christina, Helen, Simeon, Jamie, and Joanne

I believe that you will discover your hidden talents and stick to a better future.

You made me perfect.  I appreciate each of you deeply.

Especially, Wanhee. Best supervisor ever! 

I was amazed at your constant endeavors and your consistent faith toward us. 

You also made us perfect. I appreciate your devotion to the IETTP program.

I am sorry. 

And sad. 

I have to say goodbye.

I think there have been a lot of affections in the meantime. 

We have all grown closer and shared many experiences and emotions together.

I hope 

you have all valued the time we have spent together as much as I have 

I hope

the short amount of time we have been together has been meaningful.


Whatever you do, 

I want you to be healthy. 


I hope

to see all of you 


Thank you.

매거진의 이전글 A DIversity and Immersion
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