Today’s Topic
What would you list as the three most significant events in your life?
<내가 쓴 글>
I will list as the three most significant events in my life as follows: First, failing the entrance examination to the top grade school. Second, giving a birth. Third, writing articles on the internet. The reason why I list failing the entrance examination to the top grade high school is because it makes me be humble. Till that time I thought I was great. If I passed that examination first, then I couldn't have the opportunity to think of my self sincerely. I Thought I was very smarter than others. I couldn't understand why I failed. I was so sad. When I was a high school student, many people didn't know my school. I was so sad about it. My favorite friend passed the examination of the second grade high school. But it was still better than my school, which I passed after the failure of the top grade high school. I thought it was better than her school, but most people didn't think so. They looked thinking her school was better than my school. It was so sad to me. However It makes me be humble. Therefore, I think, the failure of youth is worthy.
<첨삭되어 온 글>
I will list as(X) the three (of the) most significant events in my life as follows: First, failing the entrance examination to the top grade (a top-level) school. Second, (school; second,) giving a(X) birth. Third, (birth; and third,) writing articles on the internet.
The reason why I list (listed) failing the entrance examination to the top grade (the top-level) high school is because it makes me be humble (was to make me humble). Till that time(,) I thought I was great. If I passed that examination first (on my first take), then I couldn't (wouldn't) have the opportunity to think of my self (myself) sincerely. I Thought (thought) I was very (much) smarter than others. I couldn't understand why I failed. I was so sad. When I was a high school student, many people didn't know my school. I was so sad about it. My favorite friend passed the examination of the second grade high school (at the second-best high school). But(X) it (It) was still better than my school, which I passed after the failure of the top grade high school (failing the best high school). I thought it was better than her school, but most people didn't think so. They looked thinking (think) her school was better than my school. It was so sad to me (BETTER: I was very sad about it). However It (However, it) makes me be (made me) humble. Therefore, I think, the failure of youth is worthy. (I think failure during one's youth is necessary.)
<내가 기억해야 할 것들>
1. I will list as(X) the three (of the) most significant events in my life as follows: First, failing the entrance examination to the top grade (a top-level) school. Second, (school; second,) giving a(X) birth. Third, (birth; and third,) writing articles on the internet.
앗, 모냐 이건. 제목에 있는 대로 질문 한 그대로 베껴썼건만 첨삭을 하다니. 하하 질문이 틀렸다는 걸까? What would you list as the three most significant events in your life? 요렇게 질문이 와서 있는 그대로 썼더니 첨삭이 되어 오다니. as를 빼면 대신 of the를 넣어주는 거구나. 요렇게. I will list the three of the most significant events in my life as follows:
최고의 학교라고 생각나는 대로 the top grade school이라고 썼더니 하하 틀렸다. a top-level school. 그렇지 난 또 관사를 빼먹은 게 되고.. 아니 the를 붙였지만 그건 완전 콩글리쉬인가 보다. 정확한 표현을 외워두자. 최고의 학교는 그러니까 a top-level school. 이런 데에 grade를 쓰는 게 아니구나. 외우자. a top-level school.
아하. as follows:를 썼으면 뒤에부턴 문장을 끊지 말고 쎄미 콜론을 찍어주고 문장을 계속 이어주어야 하는구나. a top-level school; second,
giving a birth 가 아니라 giving birth! 관사를 아무 데나 붙이지 말자고요.
giving birth; and third, 아하. 소문자로 문장 이어 쓰면서 쎄미 콜론으로 하되, 마지막엔 역시 쎄미 콜론 찍어주고 나서 and를 붙인다. 무엇 , 무엇 , and 무엇! 하듯이 쎄미 콜론 때도 똑같이!
2. The reason why I list (listed) failing the entrance examination to the top grade (the top-level) high school is because it makes me be humble (was to make me humble).
아, 이건 이상하다. 지금 말하는 건데 과거형이 되어야 하나? 내가 고른 이유는... 하는 게 이미 과거가 되는 건가? 그래. 일단 고른 거니까 지금 말한다 해도 과거로 쓰도록 하자. The reason why I listed failing the entrance examination to the top-level high school was to make me humble.
아까는 a top-level high school 이라 하더니 여기선 the top-level high school로 정관사를 썼다. 한번 썼던 거니까 특정교를 말하는 거니까 그런 걸까?
비코즈 어쩌고저쩌고 말이 길었는데 요렇게 간단히 끝낼 수 있구먼. The reason why I listed failing the entrance examination to the top-level high school was to make me humble.
3. Till that time(,) I thought I was great. If I passed that examination first (on my first take), then I couldn't (wouldn't) have the opportunity to think of my self (myself) sincerely.
Till that time 요런 거 뒤에는 반드시 콤마!
첫 번에 합격했다면...이라고 생각해 그냥 first를 넣었을 뿐인데 그게 아니라 on my first take라고 제대로 써줘야 하는구나. If I passed that examination on my first take, 오케이!
If 가정법이니가 couldn't 이 아니라 wouldn't을 써야 한다. If I passed that examination on my first take, then I wouldn't have the opportunity to think of myself sincerely.
흐흐 myself를 띄어 쓰다니. 푸하하하. myself!
4. I Thought (thought) I was very (much) smarter than others.
앗, 어쩌자고 여기 대문자를 썼을꼬. 하하 검토를 안 했나 보다. I thought...
very 가 아니라 much smarter 이 되어야 하는구나. much smarter than others.
5. My favorite friend passed the examination of the second grade high school (at the second-best high school).
두 번째 좋은 학교의 시험에 합격했다 하여 of를 썼는데 아니고 at을 써야 하는구나... passed the examination at the second-best high school.
6. But(X) it (It) was still better than my school, which I passed after the failure of the top grade high school (failing the best high school).
but 이 굳이 필요하지 않구나.
실패 후라 하여 실패를 명사 the failure를 썼는데 failing을 쓰는 게 좋구나. failing the best high school..... which I passed after failing the best high school.
7. They looked thinking (think) her school was better than my school.
생각하는 것처럼 보였다고 표현하기 위해 looked thinking라고 썼는데 그런 식으로 쓰지는 않는가 보다. 그냥 think로 고쳐왔다. They think her school was better than my school.
8. It was so sad to me (BETTER: I was very sad about it).
아하. 요 표현이 더 낫다고라. I was very sad about it.
9. However It (However, it) makes me be (made me) humble.
However 뒤에 콤마 찍기. 잊지 말자. However, it...
... it made me humble. 그렇지. 과거형을 써야지.
10. Therefore, I think, the failure of youth is worthy. (I think failure during one's youth is necessary.)
젊을 때의 실패를 the failure of youth라고 했는데 오호 failure during one's youth... 아하. 그리고 가치 있다고 worthy라고 섰는데 necessary로 바꾸어 왔다. 어쨌든 좋다는 문장을 반복할 밖에. Therefore, I think failure during one's youth is necessary.
<첨삭받은 대로 고쳐 쓴 글>
I will list the three of the most significant events in my life as follows: First, failing the entrance examination to a top-level school; second, giving birth; and third, writing articles on the internet.
The reason why I listed failing the entrance examination to the top-level high school was to make me humble. Till that time, I thought I was great. If I passed that examination on my first take, then I wouldn't have the opportunity to think of myself sincerely. I thought I was much smarter than others. I couldn't understand why I failed. I was so sad. When I was a high school student, many people didn't know my school. I was so sad about it. My favorite friend passed the examination at the second-best high school. It was still better than my school, which I passed after failing the best high school. I thought it was better than her school, but most people didn't think so. They think her school was better than my school. I was very sad about it. However, it made me humble. Therefore, I think failure during one's youth is necessary.
<그리고 딸려온 특별 멘트>
Hi! Nice work with your essay today! First of all, we would like to commend you for writing something nice in this part. However, there are still a few errors committed:
넵! 틀린 것 고쳐주십시오. 하하
Future Unreal (Second Conditional)
- used for situations that are not true now (Counterfactual):
아하 힘들게 배웠던 가정법! 실제와 반대!
If I stayed at home, I would eat pizza.
집에 있었으면 피자 먹었을 텐데. 지금 집에 없어서 못 먹는다는. 즉 실제와 반대.
Pattern: If [noun] + [simple past tense] + (,) + [noun] + would [verb]
무수히 외웠던 그 가정법! 공식을 외워야지요.
If 명사 + 과거형 + 콤마 + 명사 + would와 동사
그렇지. 바로 요거. 그러니까 could 가 아니라 would가 되었어야지.
Remember: The be-verb is always "were" in the second conditional
기억하시오. 비동사는 언제나 were 가 되어야 한다! 맞아. 외웠던 건데!
If I were to design a hotel, I would place it in the central city.
맞아. 비동사는 반드시 were가 되어야 하는 요 상태! 가정법!
If I were the president, I would lower taxes.
were와 would를 기억하자!
We believe you can be better as you practice writing, so just take the time to review the ones mentioned above. We look forward to your next work. Have a great day! ^^
넵. 가르쳐주신 것 잘 기억하겠습니다. 감사합니다~
(사진: 꽃 뜰)