
You can make anything
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by 꽃뜰 Apr 29. 2022

The British Monarchy

새벽에 비가 억수로 쏟아진다. 우린 오늘 7시에 공이 약속되어 있다. 부부가 함께 하는 골프다. 어젯밤 가방을 다 싸놓고 설렘으로 기다리고 있는데 비가 찬물을 쫙 끼얹는다. 옵션이다. 비 맞으며 칠 것까지는 없으므로 만장일치로 취소한다. 아깝다. 이런 좋은 계절엔 누군가 공치자고 하면 만사 제치고 달려가야 하므로 까짖 영어수업 따위야! 하면서 오늘  수업을 가볍게 내팽개치려 했는데 하하 비님이 그걸 막는다. 그래서 수업 준비 하나도 안 하고 있다가 부랴부랴 손가락으로 읽고만 간다. 파이팅! 

Jae-Hwa, I've just seen an amazing ceremony!
Oh? What was that?
I was at Deoksugung in Seoul, and I saw the ceremony of the Changing of the Royal Guard.
Oh, yes. That's a very impressive ceremony. visitors to Seoul really enjoy it.
I can easily see why. When did this ceremony begin?
Well, the ancient version took place during the Joseon Dynasty, but the modern version started in 1996.
I see. How did the government ensure that the modern ceremony was accurate?
Well, some leading Korean historians conducted extensive research before the ceremony became an institution.
Interesting. Are there any descendants of Korean royalty still around?
Yes, there are some alive today, but of course, they have no throne and no royal power.
Okay. Thanks for your explanation.

institution 제도, 기관

I'm sick and tired of parading down the street like this every day for tourists to gawk at. I want to resign!
No way!  Then who will employ us?  We'll be jobless!
Your Majesty! It is such a great honor to see you!  Can I take a picture of you?

gawk at.. 을 멍하니 바라보다.

In June 2015, it was announced that Buckingham Palace, the London residence and administrative headquarters of Queen Elizabeth II, was in need of repair. The massive structure contains 775 rooms, 240 of which are bedrooms. The building had not been remodeled in years and was in serious need of repairs that would require expenditures of £150m. Critics of the monarchy called again for its abolishment. They pointed out that, apart from the huge cost of maintaining the royal buildings, there is the cost of providing for the members of the royal family.

According to one estimate, the royals cost the British public a total of £334m per year, which is an average of £18.5m per head. This lofty sum means that the royals are the most expensive public officials in the country.

Critics say that the huge sums of money needed to maintain the royalty could be better spent on education, police, and health services. Opponents of the monarchy also argue that it is an anachronism to have an unelected head of state in the 21st century. Also, the monarchy is tied to the Church of England, which is effectively the state religion. This situation is also anachronistic since less than 10% of the population attends church.

Supporters of the monarchy say that the monarchy is cost-effective. The royal institutions attract millions of tourists each year, and tourists spend more money that the monarchy costs. The queen is also a non-partisan head of state. If the government ever started to become oppressive, the ruling monarch could step in and veto any ill-conceived proposals. 

Finally, every country needs a head of state. If the monarchy were abolished, the citizens would have to elect a head of state. Many British citizens fear that an undesirable leader might be elected.  Perhaps that is why a poll taken in 2015 showed that 71% of British citizens want the monarchy to continue.


monarchy 군주제

anachronism 시대착오적인 사람

oppressive 억압하는

step in 개입하다

ill-conceived proposals 부적당한 제안

What do you think?

1. If you were a British citizen, would you support the continuation of the monarchy? Why or why not?

2. Are you interested in reading about the British royal family members?

3. Do you have a favorite member of the British royal family?

4. Are there any governmental institutions in your country that you would like to see abolished?

5. In your country, which branches of government are the most important, in your opinion?

6. Would you ever consider becoming a politician? Why or why not?

7. Have you ever seen the changing of the guard at Bukingham Palace?  Does your country have a similar ceremony?

abolished 폐지되다.

(사진: 꽃 뜰)

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