
You can make anything
by writing


by 희수공원 Jun 23. 2024

완벽한 기획자

a Perfect Planner


a thriller

[노래] 번역은 반역, 마음대로 번역행동학

살다보면 by 권진원

Living by KJW


괜시리 외로운 날

너무도 많아

나도 한번 꿈 같은 사랑

해봤으면 좋겠네

Living presents 

so many lonely days

but I wish I could fall in love once, 

as in a dream.


하루하루 힘든일이

너무도 많아

가끔 어디 혼자서 훌쩍

떠났으면 좋겠네

Life brings 

too many tough moments day by day, 

but I wish I could fly away 

somewhere often.

수 많은 근심 걱정

멀리 던져 버리고

언제나 자유롭게

아름답게 그렇게

Shaking off 

plenty of concerns and worries

as freely and as beautifully 

as always.

내일은 오늘보다

나으리란 꿈으로 살지만

오늘도 맘껏 행복했으면

그랬으면 좋겠네

그랬으면 좋겠네

그랬으면 좋겠네

Though spending with hopes 

for a better tomorrow than today, 

I wish I could be as happy as possible today.

I wish I could be so.

I wish I could be so.

My dear planner,

Living another life feels like experiencing a thriller orchestrated by a perfect planner. A sizzling heat burns in my eyeballs, and I’m eager to live better. I’ve known from the start that the planner has been swallowing me.

Lonely days, tough moments, concerns and worries, hopes, and even a wish for a better tomorrow are full of thrills that please the would-be perfect planner.

With heartfelt thanks.

매거진의 이전글 The Palm Tree
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