
You can make anything
by writing


by 이두근 Mar 09. 2023

Resolutions never last 3 days

If you want to go far, go with friends.

Two months have passed since 2023. What are your plans for 2023? My plan was wonderful. I made a firm resolution, too. "Waking up early in the morning, studying English while commuting, putting down spoons before you're full, going around the neighborhood after dinner, and doing planks before you go to bed."

Are you keeping the plan you made at the beginning of the year? I desperately feel it's hard to carry it out as planned by now. There are countless things in life that interfere with our resolve. But it's hard to find one that helps us implement it. The reason to give up is 'one truck', but the reason to continue is not even 'one handful'. 

Wouldn't it be helpful if there's someone who helps me break down? What if you can't keep your promise? It is also okay to get help from digital technology. Why don't you try making good habits again through an online Ritual program?

It can be of great help to share a day's practice photo with people with similar tastes and encourage and praise each other. These days, Naver Band has an authentication function, so the fun factor of receiving certification stamps every day seems to help to continue something.

Ritual is originally a term that means 'ritual and ritual performed regularly'. Recently, online is used as a 'repeated habit (making) of daily life to bring about changes in life'. The authentication function on Naver Band is also a function that helps create a literal.

It takes at least three weeks for a circuit of individual behavior to form in the human brain, and it takes about 100 days for such behavior to completely solidify into a habit. Let's go over 100 days through the Rital program. 

One of my bucket lists is to communicate with foreigners in English. I have to continue studying English, but I can't continue it well. Rather than studying alone, gathering a few people seems to be more effective and supportive of each other. I took courage and decided to make a Naver band and gather the members. When a few people gathered, they decided to encourage each other and study English together. 

You only have to invest 15 minutes every day. 

First, I listen to English dialogues recorded by native speakers. 

Second, memorize one pattern that appeared in the conversation by writing it in a notebook. 

Third, record while practicing aloud. 

Finally, post a proof shot of the day. 

Did my plan always end with Frustration? But it's too early to be disappointed. Don't be disappointed by 'I can't do it' or give up by 'I'm doomed again this year.' It's not difficult if you work with people with the same goal. This time it can be different. Let's try one more time.

If you would like to participate, please contact me at <> and I will invite you. Thank you.

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