
You can make anything
by writing


by 호평 Jan 11. 2024

실용적인 영어 습득 학습법(제안)

내가 아는 맥락 안에서 공부하라.

'이미 알고 있는 내용을 영어로 읽는 것'영어 학습자를 위한 최고의 '영어 습득' 방법 중 하나이죠. 

이를 바탕으로, 실용적인 영어 학습 방법 하나를 공유하고자 합니다.


0. 내가 관심있는 한글로 된 글(아티클)을 읽는다.(마치 매일 지하철에서 하듯)


1. 아티클 내용을 내가 아는 영어로 요약한다.(문법 상관 없이 내용 전달 위주로, 이모티콘 사용 가능)

2. 아티클에서 핵심 단어들로 영어 보카 리스트를 만든다.

3. 보카 리스트 단어들을 바탕으로 퀴즈를 만든다.


1. 내가 아티클 요약본에 대한 수정본, 예시 요약본을 보고 비교한다.

2. 보카 퀴즈를 푼다.

Example 1



The article features an interview with Sascha, who runs a family-owned leather and silk store in Florence, Italy. This store has been around for more than 73 years and is now in its fourth generation. Sascha talks about Tuscan leather, known for being very good quality and part of Florence's traditional crafts. He explains different kinds of leather, how leather is colored, and how to tell if leather is of good quality. Sascha also shares his favorite places in Florence, showing his love for the city. His shop, Officina Fiorentina, makes special, custom leather items that show the skill and history of leather-making in Tuscany. The interview shows Sascha's love for his work and how important leather is in Florence's culture.

Vocabulary Lists   

Tuscan Leather (토스카니 가죽): Leather produced in the Tuscany region of Italy, known for its quality.

Bespoke (비스포크): Made to order; custom-made.

Full Grain Leather (풀 그레인 가죽): The highest quality of leather with the full, original grain surface.

Artisan (장인): A skilled craftsperson who makes goods by hand.

Tanning (무두질): The process of treating animal skins to produce leather, making it more durable and less susceptible to decomposition.

Patina (파티나): A surface appearance of something grown beautiful, especially with age or use; often associated with high-quality leather goods.

Provenance (유래): The place of origin or earliest known history of something. In the context of artisanal goods, it often refers to the geographical and cultural origins of the materials or techniques used.

Craftsmanship (장인정신): The quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry.

Dyeing Process (염색 과정): The complex method of applying color to textile products like fibers, yarns, and leathers, often involving various chemical and natural substances.

Full-Grain Leather (풀 그레인 가죽): Leather that has not been sanded, buffed, or snuffed to remove imperfections on the surface of the hide, representing the highest quality of leather.

Eclectic (다양한 스타일을 조합한): Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources, especially in the context of art and design

Dyeing Process (염색 과정): The method of changing the color of materials such as leather.

Guild (길드): A medieval association of craftsmen or merchants, often having considerable power.

Vocabulary Quiz   

1. 'Artisan' refers to: 

    a) A type of leather 

    b) A skilled craftsperson 

    c) A famous brand

2. 'Provenance' of an artisanal product refers to its: 

    a) Price 

    b) Place of origin 

    c) Color 

3. 'Bespoke' items are: 

    a) Readily available in stores 

    b) Made to order 

    c) Outdated products 

4. Full Grain Leather is known for: 

    a) Being the cheapest type 

    b) Its high durability and quality 

    c) Its artificial look 

5. A 'guild' in medieval times was: 

    a) A type of currency 

    b) An association of craftsmen or merchants 

    c) A government body

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