
You can make anything
by writing


by Idana Jul 14. 2024


인연의 무게에 고개를 숙이며

그녀를 만난 건 2010년도. 그러니까 인도네시아에서 단원생활할 때 나의 코워커였다. 이후 수방과 김천시가 MOU를 맺어 한국에 수방지역개발국 사람들이 왔을 때 나를 소개시켜 통역을 하게 한 것도, 김천시에 직접 연락해 나를 찾으라는 것도 모두 Ibu Ani였다.

  이후 한국에 올 때마다 잠깐이라도 연락해 얼굴을 봤다. 그런 Ibu Ani가 방콕에 놀러왔다. 어찌 가만 있을소냐.. ㅎ 인연의 힘이란.. 내가 애를 낳아 키워보니 진심 애 둘을 혼자 힘으로 다 키우고 일과 커리어 모두를 해낸 Ibu Ani 를 존경할 수밖에 없다.

  I first met her back in 2010, it was such a memorable moment! She was actually my coworker when I was living in Indonesia as a volunteer.

  I somehow think it was fate that brought us together. Later on, when Subang and Gimcheon City signed an MOU, a group of people from Subang area visit Korea. It was Ibu who introduced me and had me interpret for them. She even told to directly contact Gimcheon City to make sure they found me – that's how dedicated she is.

  Every time she visited Korea, even if it was just for a short while, she would always reach out to me. This time, Ibu Ani came to Bangkok, and I couldn't believe our paths would cross again. It's truly amazing how fate works its magic.

  During our time together, I couldn't help but admire how challenging it must be to juggle taking care of children while excelling in one's career.

  I have the utmost respect for Ibu Ani, a strong and independent woman who managed to raise two children on her own while also pursuing her career.

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