
You can make anything
by writing


by 아이작 유 Mar 12. 2018

아이작 유 금년 두번째 프로젝트

질문지능 영어 버전 아마존 출판

금년도 아이작 유의 두번째 프로젝트, Amazon에 "질문지능" 영어 버전 출판하기. 잘 진행되고 있습니다. 제가 영어로 번역 및 다시 쓰는데 꽤 시간이 걸려 일정상, 책분량을 1권, 2권 나누어 1권을 금년 하반기 안에 꼭 출판하고자 합니다. 중간 중간에 소개하도록할게요. 

한편 <퍼블리쉬 유어 라이프>라는 제목으로 아주 재미있는 연재를 준비중에 있습니다. 아주 잘 진행되고 있고 제 일정 조율해서 빨리 연재할지 아니면 제 두번째 책 6월 출판 이후에 연재할지 시기를 보고 있습니다. 많은 관심 부탁드려요. 

Some paragraphs from <Question Intelligence> 

Time Magazine selected Albert Einstein as the most important intellectual of the 20th century. Einstein's special theory of relativity and general theory of relativity has become the basis of modern science and has completely changed the viewpoint and paradigm of mankind looking at space-time and universe. Time Magazine likened Einstein to a geious scientist, a humanitarian, and a locksmith with the key to a mystery of the atom and the universe, and the theoretical physicist Dr. Stephen Hawking said no scientist would be able to produce more revolutionary results than Einstein. Jacob Bronowski who was a British mathematician science writer observed Einstein’s life insightfully and said about him as follows. “Einstein was the one who asked himself a lot of simple questions. He was the one who heard God’s thoughts through the simple questions.”. Einstein asked himself a lot of questions with curiosity about the huge unknown world of the atom and the universe. “What is time?”, “What does gravity look like?”, “Are there mateirals faster than light?”, “How will the world look like if I travel in space with light?”, and “Can I explain the power that governs the big universe and the small quantum world into one?”.

Einstein spent his entire life answering these questions, and his answers have revolutionarily changed human civilization and thinking. Einstein said: "If I have to solve the problem for an hour, I will spend 55 minutes to find and determine the great questions that can be said to be the core of the problem. If I found such good questions, I would be able to solve the problem in the next five minutes." Great questions, like Einstein's words, provides insights that help you identify the core and essence of the problem. And the great questions help you look at problems with new perspectives and creativity beyond the viewpoint and paradigm of thoughts you usually have.

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