
You can make anything
by writing


by Jungyeon Roh Oct 24. 2024

Autumn Part.05

2024 - 《희랍어 시간》그 후 

The protagonist of Greek Lessons by Han Kang says she feels more like some kind of substance than a person, like a moving solid or liquid.

You mean when she says, ‘When I eat warm rice, I feel like rice, and when I wash my face with cold water, I feel like water’? That makes sense. I guess that’s similar to how vegetarians feel—that what they consume becomes a part of them.

But in the end, she feels like she’s something that can't mix with anything—not rice, not water. So what about me? What about you?

 We may be complete and whole individuals, but doesn’t the world work best when everything blends together? Like how butterflies belong with flowers.

Autumn Part.05

2024 - 《희랍어 시간》그 후

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