사실은 모든 일의 시작이 아닐까요.
The right stress is good. I tried setting a goal of 500 words, but it wasn’t stressful enough, and that day I didn’t get around to starting the book. So the next day I set a goal to get to 2000 words. That freaked me out a little. In a good way.
I’m not writing the first words of a whole book. Nope, not at all. Not a linear thing that’s going to end up being tens of thousands of words, starting with the words I type write now. Right now, I’m just in play mode. I’m just gonna write a random scene for fun, and get to the real book later.
I might rewrite an expand a little, but all I’m doing is transcribing, mostly. Not gonna freak myself out by telling myself I’m starting this damn novel.
가볍고 재밌게 일단 뭐라도! 시작한다.
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