
You can make anything
by writing


by 아보카도 Jun 27. 2017

[칸 라이언즈 헬스 2017] 둘째날

라이언즈 헬스 행사장 가는 길  

10:00~10:45 / Communication, Connection, Personalisation / By Facebook / Inspiration Stage

Speakers: Meredith Guerriero, Carey Reynolds, Christine Lindquist 

There’s nothing more personal than health. Despite the various technical shifts the world has gone through, that fact remains the same today. As personalised connections improve with the development of mobile technology, we have the opportunity to form stronger relationships between patients, HCPS and healthcare organisations alike. In this session, Facebook’s head of healthcare Meredith Guerriero will discuss the future of health in a mobile world. Joined by Carey Reynolds of Allergan and Christine Lindquist of FCB Chicago, they will discuss how pharma companies are taking a more connected and personal approach to communications; creatively building communities and exploring new brand opportunities. 

플랫폼이 중요 : 사람들이 일단 모이는 플랫폼을 구축하는 것이 중요하다.

엄마들이 아이들을 낳고나서 1년 동안 페이스북 사용량 300% 이상 증가

사람들이 모이는 플랫폼을 구축한 이후에는 무엇이든 할 수 있다

아이를 낳은 엄마 고객과 페이스북 페이지에서 직접 대화 가능

11:00~11:30 / Designing for Good: Transforming Life for Africa’s Most Forgotten Island / By Fjord, Design and Innovation from Accenture Interactive/  Health in Action Stage

Speakers: Daniel Harris 

We know that creative design thinking can transform individuals’ health needs; design agency Fjord now wants to share the story of how it has the capacity to transform an entire country and its healthcare system. While extraordinarily rich in natural resources, The Democratic Republic of Congo is among the poorest nations on the planet. Fjord and Ensemble Pour La Difference used design thinking to bring internet connectivity to DRC’s isolated island of Idjwi, and created a digital patient management system for a local doctor who had established a desperately needed clinic. Join Fjord to discuss what digital design is really capable of – not just profit, but truly changing lives for the better. 

DR 콩고 보건사업 : 우연히 방문한 DR콩고의 소외된 섬에서 재능기부를 진행함 

Open MRS 제공 : 의료진이 활용함. 구축에 3개월 정도 소요됨.

인터넷망 구축 : 스와힐리어로 togetherness net, 지역에서 실종 아동 찾기, 날씨 정보 제공 

비즈니스 모델 구축 : 4시 이전에는 돈을 내야먄 사용할 수 있는 인터넷. 오후 4시 이후에는 아무나 다 사용할 수 있음.  

플랫폼이 중요 : 많은 사용자를 확보하는 것이 수익창출보다 더 중요함.

Revenue에서 number of user로 지표를 바꾸다

*center에서도 회원증을 발급하여서 사용하는 사람들을 트래킹할 수 있도록 하기

11:40~11:50 / Meet Olivia: Your Virtual Nurse / By Sensely / 

Speakers: Ron Reis

Olivia, developed by tech entrepreneurs Sensely, is a new 3D, talking, artificially intelligent virtual nurse that engages patients in automated conversations about their health. The interactive aspect of the virtual nurse enables trust and empathy – a critical component in developing the relationship between a clinician and a patient. Find out how Olivia and augmented medical intelligence are changing the healthcare delivery in the NHS and other healthcare systems – be it clinical triage in the form of a symptom checker, or clinical monitoring of chronic conditions. Join this session to see AI in action as it delivers on the promise of improved clinical outcomes.  

앱으로 만든 가상현실 간호사 

12:00~12:45 / How Creativity and Clean Cooking Can Save Lives / Inspiration Stage / By United Nations Foundation (UNF)

Speakers: Rocky Dawuni, Asna Towfiq, Caleb Tiller 

The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves along with governmental stakeholders and partners are working to enable 100 million households globally to adopt clean cookstoves and fuels by 2020. The session, hosted by the United Nations Foundation in partnership with McCann Health, will explore how the public and private sectors are coming together to develop creative solutions to reduce the effects of cooking smoke on the environment, and to improve the lives of women and children in the developing world. 

유명인 플랫폼을 활용 : 가나 뮤지션, Being voice of issues of neighbor

여성인권과 기후변화에 모두 관련이 있는 이슈

루완다에 콘서트하러 갈 때 난민 여성들을 만남

아티스트는 engagement

* 마케팅보다는 개발 이슈에 관심이 많다

* 음악을 개발이슈의 홍보 툴로서 쓸 수 있다

소셜 이슈는 나에게 영감을 주기도 한다 

지역사회의 행동변화 이끌어내기 : 방글라데시

전통문화와 연결되어 있다, 행동변화 프로그램 2016 캠페인  

행동변화를 위한 캠페인 

보건이 중심,  쿡스토브를 새로운 기술로 포지셔닝하도록 함

Old fahioned를 새로운 것으로 바꾸도록 "신세대 기기"로 포지셔닝

60% 판매 증가율, 고객들에게 새로운 요리기기를 구매하여 새로운 문화에 적응하라고 설득 

클린쿡스토브의 포지셔닝 : Modern stoves

남성이 상품을 주로 결정하기 때문에 남성을 대상으로 커뮤니니케이션해야 구매율이 오름 

"When time changes, change stove" 

다양한 상품 홍보: 

2016년 광고회사들의 SDG 공약

클린 쿡킹과 관련된 훌륭한 캠페인이 필요하다

다양한 Fair를 열어서 사람들이 체험하조록 하느

Brand chanpion을 만들듯이 issue에도 champion을 만들어야

과테말라에서는 12개 라디오방송국 드라마를 만듦

페이스북에 포스터도 만들고

가나에서는 girl guides를 활용

어린아이들이 어른들에게 영향을 줌

우간다에서는 새로운 카테고리이므로 브랜딩이 중요

케냐에서는 쿡스토브를 활용하는 쿠킹쇼로 진행함.  

13:00~13:45 / The Power of Boredom: How Ordinary Can Be Extraordinary / 제일기획, CJ E&M / Lumiere Theatre 

There is a TV show that's popular because of its mediocrity. It only shows a few people making three meals a day with crops from a garden at a house in the countryside. Why would people get so excited about it? Audiences who grew tired of sensational content were deeply moved by the ordinary and boring everyday life. This session will talk about the 'power of boredom’ that's widely taking place beyond TV shows to other different areas including advertising, film and gaming.

14:00~14:45 / Probing the Ethics of the Brave New World of Healthcare / NHS의사들의 캠페인 / Inspiration Stage

Speakers: Dr. Jack Kreindler, Dr. Tapas Mukherjee  

Healthcare is going through a radical transformation. New players are devising new rules and we are seeing more and more innovative clinicians turning to the creative industry to have a bigger impact. As more data is captured and shared between patients, platforms, HCPs and tech partners to improve our understanding of health issues, what ethical questions should be raised? What does the future of medicine look like when healthcare professionals partner with the creative industry, transitioning from prescribing patients to brainstorming campaigns? What are the ethical dilemmas presented when doctors move from clinical practice to marketing communications? This session will provide insights and an inside view from two of Britain’s most innovative and creative clinicians.   

14:00~15:15 / RB and Lions Health Innovation Hack Presentations and Judging

/ By RB / Speakers: Jane Melvin, Roberto Funari, Carolyn Gargano 

Following a successful debut in 2016, RB and Lions Health are leading a live innovation hack to develop product solutions to tackle the health risks of air pollution. Bringing together R&D experts, creatives, marketeers and entrepreneurs, three teams will have 28 hours to come up with pioneering products that protect children from harmful air pollution exposure. Join this inspiring session as teams go head-to-head to present their product ideas to a jury. An audience Q&A will follow where each team will be quizzed before the judges deliver their verdict. This is your opportunity to witness innovation in action and gain insight into ideas that could become life-changing solutions of the future. 

해커톤 : 한국은 사라지고 중국 크리에이티브가 온다

중국의 대기오염을 주제로 한 해커톤


사용자의 행동을 보고 인서이트를 뽑아내는 것이 핵심 

한계 프로젝트 레벨만 본다 기업은  보지 않는다


Droga5 ancestry 

16:00~16:45 / Stop Telling Me to Be Healthy. The Art of Nudging / Health in Action Stage / Leo Burnett 

By Gensler Architecture and Leo Burnett

Speakers: Denise Fedewa, Sarah Bader

People say they’re interested in becoming healthier. But good intentions rarely result in better health outcomes. So what are the best ways to nudge people to healthier behaviours? To find out, international design and architecture firm Gensler and advertising agency Leo Burnett co-sponsored a 'nudgeability' study of 10,000 adults. This deep dive into behavioural economics found some unexpected secrets that tap the built environment – one of the last areas creative people consider as they seek to change behaviour. This hands-on, problem-solving workshop will tackle several current healthcare issues, and attendees will leave with physical prototypes of their 'health nudges'. 

넛지가 필요함 : 아는 것과 행동에는 큰 차이가 있다 재미없어서

의료관련 nformation overloaded : 정보가 너무 많다

의료관련 정보는 s personal 

The technology trap : 기술로 건강해질 수 있는 것들이 많지만 대다수는 쓰지 않는다 대표적으로 앱

The Weight Loss problem : 

건강정보에 대한 흡수는 건강태보다는 openness to change가 더 중요

인구통계보다는 Attitude + information proccessing으로 segmentate하는 것이 더 적절 

*law and behavior change

매거진의 이전글 [칸 라이언즈 헬스 2017] 시상식
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