
You can make anything
by writing


by 오권 Mar 05. 2019

토플 롸이팅 샘플 3

매일 하나의 토픽에 20분 글쓰기 연습


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better not to tell the truth. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

We always look for comfort. While the desire that makes us work hard to create all kind of things for conveniences, the same desire puts us in troubles driving us not tell the truth.

Those white lies and generic lies will blur our judgement and eventually create more discordience among people. I disagree with the statement that it is better not to tell the truth. 

I will elaborate my opinion with the two following reasons.

First, telling the truth is the only way to stay in genuine relationship especially for those who want to keep things real. Wishing to avoid the discomfort, we are sometimes dishonest each other as an excuse of not hurting each other's feeling. But that way, we will end up wasting the part of our lives.

One of the cliche examples I can think of now is where a man cheats on his partner conveniently tells a lie to protect the feeling of the loved. The guy might be able to dodge the unpleasant confrontation but he will not be himself around his partner because of his conscience, and the relationship is never be the same. 

If you are being truthful to your friends and family even to yourself, you will never waste your time spending your energy to explain about the lies.

Secondly, there is no case that lies can be gracefully granted, meaning even if you bend the truth with a good reason, you are still be the person who abandons your own integrity and hampers other's right to know what actually happens.

As long as the true searching doesn't harm others, we all have a right to know the truth. There is a popular debate whether we should let a patient know about his incurable disease and the fact that he's got only a few months left in his life. Covering what's really happening will not soothe him, as matter of fact, telling a lie to him that everything is fine would be unforgivably wrongdoing to the man taking his precious time to get ready for his end away from him.

So even under the circumstance, in which knowing the truth is much more hurtful than sugarcoating it, we all are obliged to each other to stay true for our own wellbeing.

In conclusion, telling a lie is definitely not the better way than telling the truth. Facing the actuality then figuring out what our next move is should be the most practical process to keep it going. Being blindsided as staying away from the truth could be comforting but soon realize you have a bandaid to rip off.

작가의 이전글 경상도 로드트립, 안동,대구여행 02/26~02/28,
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