
You can make anything
by writing


by 오권 Mar 07. 2019

토플 롸이팅 샘플 4

매일 하나의 토픽에 20분 글쓰기 연습


"Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer."

There is a documentary called One Strange Rock on Netflix, which is about how the Earth was  formed and has been the fertile planet that helps tons of living creatures sustain. In one of the episodes depicting the ozone layer shields our planet from the destructive ultraviolet ray of the sun, due to the intense increasing of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the ozone layer is now punctured and that leads the negative effects to human kind. This is only one of examples how the Earth is being harmed by us. I will explore my opinion with the following reasons.

To begin with, it can not be denied that the inhumane development human has brought to the planet creates all kinds of pollutions including the one that I have mentioned earlier. 

Global warming is one of the visuable phenomenons causing the rise of the temperature and sea level. Its negative effects are being reported by the experts everyday. Additionally, this brutal air condition in Korea now would be a perfect example to demonstrate how we demage the nature on Earth. The last few days have been awfully depressing to many Korean people. Due to the toxicated emission released by many factories located along Southeast costal area  of China blowing toward Korea, the sky of Seoul has been covered with the thick layer of fine dust severely. Human doesn't only harm the Earth but also human. 

Secondly, the speed of deforestation exceeds the process of planting a new tree. This is seriously a huge problem caused by human activity as well because having sufficient forest on Earth is the vital factor that can slow down the climate change.

By logging the trees, we don't only lose the raw material for the industry but also the essential life element for human, oxygen. With the ozone layer, oxygen from the forest plays the role of lowering the density of CO2 and fosters the habitable living condition.

Actually, when I go to rural area where is filled with lots of trees, my respiratory discomfort is gone. Unlikely the suffocating air condition in the city, much of fresh oxygen emitted out of the forest was abundant thanks to the woods.

Hadn't been a tree, we wouldn't have had enough oxygen to breathe and the Earth would have been a very inhabitable place to live in.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that human activities have definitely damaged the Earth. Before it gets too late, we, the government, the community should take the action to stop the destruction. 

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