
You can make anything
by writing


by 오권 Mar 08. 2019

토플 롸이팅 샘플 5

매일 하나의 토픽에 20분 글쓰기 연습


The government is going to give some money either to support the arts or to protect the environment. Which do you think the government should choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Marslow's hierarchy of Needs theory claims that the motivation is the result of a person's attempt as fullfilling five basic needs : physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. Like the theory suggested, securing our physical well-being such as protecting the environment is as important as supporting arts. However, the highest pursuit of human beings can be executed by creating the arts. I am for the idea that the government should spend the budget to support the arts for two reasons.

First, funding for the arts is much harder for an artist compared to the one any environmental aid organization deals with. Because of the general notion that basic needs improvement should be put first when it comes to allocating the public fund, creating the arts has been secondary priority to give the money. As a filmmaker, I have been trying so hard to get the fund for my film production by searching any scholarship, donation, promotion and online networking crowd funding, but there was always slim chance to get one until this day. Without the fund like the government promoting the arts, I will be struggling even more. With the people's awareness generated by so many campaigns, supports to the environmental issues seem more than enough. Public fund always being spent on something more practical, so there are so many artist struggling to get the budget for their art like me.

Second, having more diverse arts in the world such as making a film, depicting the beauty and composting music, which is the major factor that differentiates human kinds from animals on the planet, will contribute to the society greatly.

When you look at the cities like New York, Barcelona, Los Angeles, the cultural arts and entertainment have shaped the cities beautifully and make people want to live in those where you can consistantly get inspired by the everyday art embedded in throughout the places.

Consequently, the art plays the major factor that brings the economical potentials and business to the cities. The arts not only lure economic benefits but also have a city rehabilitation effect leading the low crime rates. If the government pours the money on  coloring the city with the arts, those dangerous neighborhoods will turns into the decent.

In conclusion, considering the fact that the arts can not be produced without the support like government budget, putting enough art pieces around us is clearly challenging. Therefore, I believe that the government should spend the budget to support the arts.

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