231114 in the news 펜데믹가고 빈대믹.
A bed bug infestation 빈대의 내습 is sweeping through Paris. bed bug repellent 빈대 방충제
Bed bugs feast on human blood. They hide in bed and wait to bite us at night. Bed bugs do not transmit dieases however the bites from bed bugs can cause itching and can lead to skin infection.
1> Old man in the McDonald's drive thru
드라이브스루에서 노인 우습게 보지 마세요.
주문 더디다고 불평하는 뒷 여성에게 83세 노인이 여성몫까지 지불했지만... 무례함을 친절로 되갚아주다? 무례한 여성이 다시 줄을 서야 했던 해프닝.
0:00 I am 83 years old. I was in the McDonald's drive through this
0:11 The young lady behind me leaned on her horn and started
mouthing입모양으로 말하다 some ugly things because I was taking too long to place
my order주문하다.
0:26 So when I got to the first window, I paid for her order along
with my own 내 거랑 같이. The cashier must have told her what I had done.
0:38 Because as we moved up, she leaned out 내밀면서 her window and waved
to me. She began mouthing thank you, thank you.
0:52 Probably feeling embarrassed that I had repaid 되갚아주다 her rudeness
with kindness.
1:01 What I got to the second window, I showed the server both
receipts and I took her food, too.
1:16 Now she has to go back to the end of the queue and start all
over again새로 다 다시.
1:24 Don't blow your horn at old people. We've been around for a
long time나이는 그냥 먹은 게 아니다. 例 I've been around here 이곳 전문가다.
[마이클] [오후 6:29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ofZGDGvoWg
2> Spaceship Neptune - Luxury Space Balloon by Space Perspective
우주벌룬을 타고 감상해 보는 지구
3분짜리 로켓 우주여행을 떠나는 대신, 축구장만 한 벌룬에서 12시간 동안 지구의 7대 명소를 조망하는 계획이다. 비용도 1/10 정도인 6,500만 원이라 벌써 250명이 예약했다.
0:03 The countdown is on시작된다 for yet another tourist view of mother
earth대지 and beyond but this one is different.
Instead of riding a rocket, this is a slow ride to the edge of space
inside a pressurized capsule가압된 캡슐 hanging beneath a massive helium
balloon, now laid out at tucson's spaceport애리조나 투산.
0:23 "If you were to stretch this entire balloon out, how big would it be?"
"This balloon would fit a football stadium inside축구장이 들어설 만하다."
"That big?" "That big. That what it takes 그 게 조건 to take ten thousand pounds to the
0:36 That's a hundred thousand feet up. It's not space. Passengers
won't go weightless무중력상태. But the view will be spectacular inside a first
class cabin complete with완비된 massive windows, wifi, even a bar and restroom.
0:50 Ryan Hartman is the CEO.
"What you'll be able to see at the edge of space is the curvature of
the earth against the backdrop of space배경에 우주가 있고 곡선의 지구를 볼 수 있는.
That means you're going to be able to see the starts in broad daylight 환한 대낮에.
You're going to see the full curvature of the earth."
1:04 A very different trip than the rocket rise that Richard Branson's
Virgin Galactic and Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin are selling: actually going
to space for about three minutes at a cost of nearly half a million dollars.
1:18 The balloon trip with eight passengers and two crew members
will last up to 12 hours, starting at 50 thousand dollars per seat.
Already 250 people have pre ordered tickets.
1:30 No spacesuits. It's a shirt-sleeve environment편안한 차림. So just like
you're in an airplane. You'll be comfortable and no spacesuits or special equipment are required.
1:37 The vision to launch passengers from seven sites - the Grand
Canyon, Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the Sahara desert, the
Amazon Rainforest, Norway's Aurora borealis, the Egyptian Pyramids and the Great Wall of China.
1:50 Nearly 3000 balloons a year that can only be used once. To do
that, the company is making the strongest balloons possible.