
You can make anything
by writing


by 하루에 Oct 27. 2021

나를 위해 시를 썼다고?

feat. 남사친

남사친 C는 나를 위해 세 편의 시를 지어주었다.

아플 때,

웃음이 필요할 때,

몹시 긴장했을 때.

그는 ‘말장난’이라 건냈지만, 나는 ‘시’로 받았다.

언제봐도 배시시 :)

C가 지어준 시 중 하나를 골라보았다.

Somewhere in the metropolis within the city of Seoul

There lived a girl whose heart was filled with soul

Her dimples sweet like sugar, her will full of fight

That simple cold she contracted, she fought with her gentle might

Now there was a boy who lived miles away yonder

At her sugary dimples he could only take a gander

Longed he for a chance to arm her fight with herbal teas

But distance be damned!

All he had was this verbal tease

To summon her might and kick that cold's ASS!

This she did and that cold never again made a pass

Virus be damned!

It never knew her immunity's might

And virulent things of all kinds went gentle into that good night

Foes be not fooled!

She is strong under her veil of grace

For beauty and strength are one and the same, forever in place




#연애글 #직장인연애 #연애소설 #회사원연애

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