
You can make anything
by writing


by 아침산책 Oct 11. 2023

번역비, 챗GPT 프롬프트로 아껴보세요!

챗GPT 이야기 4

경기가 안 좋은 요즈음 기업이든 개인이든 한영번역을 맡길 때 번역비에 신경을 쓸 수 밖에 없습니다.

한영번역을 맡기면 돈을 얼마나 써야 할까요?

구글 번역을 해서 상위에 뜬 업체의 견적을 보니 한글 1천 단어를 영어로 옮기면 검수까지 포함해서 23만원 정도를 받습니다.

유료 버전인 챗GPT 4.0으로 번역을 하면 번역가에 유사한 수준으로 (그리고 실력없는 번역가보다는 월등한 수준으로 ^^) 한영번역이 가능합니다. 챗GPT 유료버전은 한 달 가입비가 20달러로 2만6천원 정도니까 위의 번역료의 10분의 1입니다. (번역을 많이 한다면 10분의 1보다도 더 작은 비용인 셈입니다.)

단, 이때 조건은 프롬프트를 잘 만들어서 넣어주어야 한다는 것입니다. Translate this into English 정도의 프롬프트로는 챗GPT의 능력을 최대한 발휘할 수 없습니다.

실례를 보여 드립니다.  

지금까지 쓴 이 블로그의 문장을 우선 일반 번역기로 옮겨봅니다.  

hello. This is a morning walk by a freelancer who is writing a book about artificial intelligence. Introducing how to save on translation costs using ChatGPT.

These days, when the economy is poor, companies or individuals have no choice but to pay attention to translation costs when entrusting Korean-English translation services.

How much money do I have to spend if I hire a Korean-English translation service?

According to the quote from the company that came up at the top through Google Translate, if you translate 1,000 Korean words into English, they charge about 230,000 won including proofreading.

If you translate with ChatGPT 4.0, a paid version, you can translate Korean to English at a level similar to that of a translator (and at a level far superior to that of an incompetent translator ^^). The paid version of ChatGPT costs $20 per month. It costs about 26,000 won, so it is one-tenth of the above translation fee. (If you do a lot of translation, the cost is less than 1/10th of this.)

However, the condition here is that the prompt must be well-made and included. A prompt like “Translate this into English” will not allow you to utilize ChatGPT’s full capabilities.

이번에는 챗GPT 무료 버전 3.5를 사용해서 번역을 해보겠습니다. 프롬프트는 단순한 translate this into English를 사용했습니다.

Hello. I'm a freelance morning walker who is writing a book about artificial intelligence. I will introduce a way to save on translation costs using ChatGPT.

In these difficult economic times, whether you are a business or an individual, you can't help but be concerned about translation costs when you need Korean-to-English translation.

How much money do you need to spend when you entrust Korean-to-English translation?

When I used Google Translate and looked at the quotes from the top-ranked agencies, I found that translating 1,000 Korean words into English, including proofreading, costs about 230,000 Korean won.

By using the paid version of ChatGPT 4.0 for translation, you can achieve Korean-to-English translations at a level similar to professional translators (and even better than inexperienced translators ^^). The ChatGPT paid version has a monthly subscription fee of $20, which is approximately 26,000 Korean won, so it's only 10% of the translation fee mentioned above. (If you translate a lot, it can be even less than 10%.)

However, the condition is that you need to create and input prompts well. Using a prompt like "Translate this into English" won't fully utilize ChatGPT's capabilities.

번역기를 사용한 번역과 크게 차이가 없습니다.  둘 다 대명사의 선택이 어색하고, 무미건조한 직역 투의 번역입니다. (한글에서 구글 검색 대신에 구글 번역을 쓴 오류까지 그대로 번역이 되었네요 .^^)

마지막으로 아래와 같은 조건을 넣어준 한영번역 프롬프트를 챗GPT 4.0에 넣어서 번역을 해보겠습니다.

Hello there, tech enthusiasts! Morning Walk here, a freelancer penning a book on artificial intelligence.  Today, I'm here to share a clever tip on how to save on translation costs using ChatGPT.

In these trying economic times, whether you're an individual or a corporation, it's hard not to wince at the cost when entrusting Korean-English translations.

You might wonder, "Just how much would I have to shell out for such a service?"

Having looked at the quotes from top-ranking agencies on a Google search, it seems translating 1,000 Korean words into English, complete with review, would set you back around 230,000 KRW (Korean Won).

But here's where things get interesting: with the premium version of ChatGPT 4.0, you can get translations at a level comparable to professional translators (and, dare I say, far superior to those lacking in skills ^^). The cost of subscribing to the premium version of ChatGPT? Just $20 a month, which is roughly 26,000 KRW. That's a mere tenth of the previously mentioned translation cost. (And if you're translating in bulk, the relative cost is even less!)

However, there's a catch: the secret lies in crafting the perfect prompt. Simply asking "Translate this into English" won't unleash the full potential of ChatGPT.

잠깐 훑어봐도 미국 현지의 블로거가 쓴 것 같은 자연스러운 문체의 블로그 포스트로 번역된 것을 알 수 있습니다. 한가지 놀라운 것은 구글 검색을 구글 번역이라고 잘못 쓴 한글의 오류를 챗GPT가 알아서 수정해서 Google search라고 옮겼다는 점입니다. 이 정도의 문장 이해능력은 일반 번역기에서는 절대로 기대할 수 없습니다.   

참고로 같은 프롬프트를 무료버전인 3.5에 써도 좋은 결과가 나오지만, 위의 4.0 버전보다는 약간 부족하다는 느낌을 줍니다. 아래는 챗GPT 무료버전에 동일한 프롬프트를 쓴 결과입니다.  

Hello, readers! It's the freelance IT enthusiast, Morning Stroll, who's currently working on a book about artificial intelligence. Today, I want to share a savvy trick with you all – using ChatGPT to save on translation costs.

In these challenging economic times, whether you're a business or an individual, you can't help but be conscious of the expenses when you need Korean-to-English translation services.

So, how much do you need to budget for Korean-to-English translations?

Well, when I tried Google Translate and looked at quotes from top-rated translation agencies, it turns out that translating 1,000 Korean words into English, including proofreading, costs around 230,000 Korean won.

But here's where ChatGPT 4.0, the paid version, shines. With it, you can achieve Korean-to-English translations at a professional level, and in many cases, even surpass the abilities of inexperienced translators (impressive, right?). The subscription fee for ChatGPT's paid version is just $20 per month, which is roughly 26,000 Korean won, making it just 10% of the cost I mentioned earlier. (If you're doing a lot of translation work, the cost could be even lower than 10%).

However, there's one crucial condition – you need to craft your prompts effectively. Simply using a prompt like "Translate this into English" won't allow ChatGPT to fully unleash its potential.

챗GPT의 한영번역 프롬프트에 역할, 문서유형, 문체, 프로파일을 넣어주면, 인간이 번역하는 것과 유사하거나, 오히려 더 나은 수준의 한영번역이 가능합니다. 거기다 앞에서 말한 비용까지 고려하면 프롬프트의 효용이 얼마나 큰 가를 알 수 있습니다.

챗GPT로 한영번역을 할 때 한 가지 주의점은 대화형 인공지능이라는 애초의 성격 때문에 코멘트를 넣거나 번역 대신 요약을 하는 문제점이 발생한다는 것입니다. 이러한 문제도 프롬프트를 잘 짜주면 해결할 수 있습니다.

번역비도 아끼고, 탁월한 한영번역을 할 수 있는 이런 프롬프트를 만드는 방법이 궁금하시면 아래의 전자책을 참고하십시오. 

챗GPT 번역으로 생산성을 높이고 시간을 절약하세요!

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