
You can make anything
by writing


미스트롯처럼 인생의 무대에 당당히 서자

Like Miss Trot

Lately, I watch a TV program competing with trot songs on Thursdays. There are a lot of trot singers. What makes audience trilled is one of them can get a crown in the long run. This is the third season since the broadcast station started the show. I have  missed the first and second season at that time. Their enthusiasm for their performance seems to awake my dormant soul.

The participants who appear on the stage are already famous to the public or not, and surprisingly the age of them ranges from 10s to 40s. On the strange stage and in front of many viewers, I think, how afraid and nervous they are to avoid making mistakes.

On the other hand, they have to show off their talents that have practiced for a long time. It chances that they are able to be picked up on the spot. MissTrot's life and passion for music look more beautiful and respectable than I imagine. It is a great example we should follow if we elevate our own potentials continuously and go out to the new world.

While enjoying singing their songs, I am reminded of my life about how hard I have made efforts to reach my goal. To be honest, I once thought it was difficult for me to challenge a new life I wanted and develop it like them . However. I sometimes went through endless hardship. Though, challenging itself cured my injured soul so fast.

I still don't know what is the most important things in my life. Maybe, finding what makes me happy is a key to success, which is the way I live a good life. It is not until we overcome a hardship that we can learn to jump to the next. Don't be afraid of your dilemma in your life.  Life consists of eternal trial and error.

I ask myself every day
"What makes you interested in your life? How can you develop it? "
Tell me about it.

#성장통 #미스트롯 #영어에세이





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