
You can make anything
by writing


Cleaning the whole house

True love

Good evening~! Sunday
Feb. 7th, 2021

Today it was warmer after cold days, I flung the windows wide open. I started to clean the whole house with my pet dog, Yeasul. To my regret, as I am getting older I hate doing house chores : especially mopping. Whenever my hands are wet, I feel  them very dry. Anyway, after doing the laundry, cleaning the rooms, cooking food, I trimmed his hair of my little creature  and put it in the bathtub.  Though I got tired and exhausted, I felt I eased my mind of some burden.

While I was  busy doing them, nobody was in my house. I thoght I felt sorry not  to care of my house and my family more compared to other housewives. All rooms were occupied with dust and my books wete waiting for my hands. However, I was more interested in my job than in my house. Of course, I know all things are not able to be perfect. Now that my daughter and son have almost grown up, I have regretted not concentrating on them in many ways as a mother.

In the evening, thankfully my husband got home with  walnut cookies from the train station in his hometown. It was a prize for my effirys.  Saying to me "your food always makes me happy", my daughter helped me to fold the laundry instead of me. My pet dog also looked more handsome and better than before. In my mind, he is one of my children. He gives me deep affection in return. His body smelled of perfume. I spent more time with him.

Thanks to my family I got new energy again. They  love me as much as I do. The love unexpressed is not love any more in true meaning.
We should express love to beloved ones not only in words but also behaviors.

매거진의 이전글 미스트롯처럼 인생의 무대에 당당히 서자
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