
You can make anything
by writing


Give it a try

You can do it

Good morning! Monday

The other day I gave a present of a step to my dog, Yeasul to help him go up to my bed. He wants to take a sleep only with me either the day or the night. Before the event, I had to support him for as many as 7years whenever he would like to take a rest on the bed.  He takes it for granted to stay there rather than his house.

On the first day I set it, he hesitated to try it on the step because of being fearful, so I lead him to do it with a snack just one time. After that, I had no interest in whether he made efforts or not. As time went by, he gradually challenged to reach the goal and at last, broke the barrier he made for himself.

At that time I realized again that to have things they want, animals also wait for them and try doing anything several times. It is natural for us to have fears and unfamiliarity when we experience the new way.

However, there is a saying 'Nothing is impossible to a willing mind'. If you are eager to be an expert in any field and have something to do, you are still alive and young. You should find the goal and give it a try constantly.

매거진의 이전글 Cleaning the whole house
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