
You can make anything
by writing


by 오늘을산다 Mar 21. 2022


이메일로 퇴사를 알렸다 

퇴직 결심을 알리는 건 언제나 어려운 일이다. 

그저 상사에게 말 한 마디 하면 되는 일이지만, 말 한 마디를 하기 위해 이곳에서 보낸 나의 지난 시간을 주마등처럼 훑는다. 

결심을 한 날, 평소보다 일찍 눈에 떠졌다.  그닥 고민하지 않았는데 마음 깊은 곳 어딘가에 부담이 똬리를 틀고 있었던 모양이다. 

옷을 갖춰입고 화장을 정성껏 하고 마음을 가다듬을 필요...가 없었다. 대표와 오프라인 미팅 약속을 해뒀는데 전날 저녁 자신과 주말을 같이 보낸 친구들이 줄줄이 코로나 양성이 나와서 자신도 일주일간 재택 근무를 하겠다고 통보해온 터다. 

나는 자판을 두드렸다.

Dear OOO, 

Hope you are feeling fine.

As promised, I was hoping to see you in person today. I actually wanted to take this opportunity to talk about my decision. 

I’ve recently received a job offer, and after long and thorough consideration I’ve decided to take this opportunity.  

It’s been a wonderful experience to work for XXX. I’ve been truly committed to (XXX's goal). 

Delivering a notice such as this via email may not be ideal. Given that you are not coming to the office until next week, I thought it would be better to let you know as early as possible even via email so that you can take enough time to find a good replacement. 

For me, 15 calendar day’s written notice is required. Thus, I am thinking that my last day will be ##. Depending on the recruitment process, I can consider staying a few more days. 

I will surely do everything possible to wrap up my duties and to support smooth transition for a new person. 

Please let me know if you feel to talk virtually or if you need anything I can do to aid during the transition. Soon I will send an official resignation letter copying HR. 




매거진의 이전글 산책X재난지원금
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