
You can make anything
by writing


by 노마 장윤석 Sep 08. 2020

AYARF Radical Future Confernce

급진적 미래 컨퍼런스

AYARF Radical Future Conference, Presentation, +Good Luck



Hello, floor, Glad to meet you and this opportunity. First, brief self-introduction. And second, the journey of becoming an activist researcher, and my definition of it. Third, Why I apply on AYARF, and What I do on here. Here we go.


This is Mongolia, When I was young, I hang around some Asia country, And dreamed a nomadist, furthermore want a be drawer and scholar. And look at that horizon, I always awe or respect something. Maybe it is nature.


But, the truth of the world is not peaceful. I introduce my favorite draw by 좌혜선. When I realized the truth of the climate crisis, I give up my peaceful dream, drawer and scholar. It’s not the time to ‘only’ study in the room or lab. The whole world will be swept away by fire or flood as you ever seen this month, flood and forest fire. Then I decide to become a carpenter who makes an ark. Its other name is an activist researcher. It is also my definition of an activist researcher. Seriously catch the crisis ever seen before, and who grabs a hand people who dying opposite side of the earth, and in front of you. I want to said that do not go gentle into that goodnight. 


I have a climate depression some while. And also live together now. This is 광화문 square in January when Australia is burning, I speak about the mind we face on this unpredictable crisis. Connected question is that Where we go. Why I Born in this era. Why I exist, facing extinction. It’s a hard question also cannot avoid. Then, If avoid the truth is Impossible, you can be confronted with reality. And let’s active. 


So. My recent days. How can I explain it, kind of Extinction Rebellion? This is Forum discuss about LEDS(Long-term low greenhouse gas Emission Development Strategies) Emission Plan, that how much we reduce emission until 2050. But unfortunately, this expert group does not include a Net-zero plan, And we don’t have the opportunity to require our message. So, the last selection is to steal ‘experts’ mice. We ask them. What is justice? Don’t break down our future.

#6 Youth climate emergency action

This is the Youth Climate Emergency Action group that I joined and active. We declare our voice like ”we don’t have time to survive.” “This is not a green new deal, just gray new deal’ to the new deal version of Korea. Additionally, a bried promotion. The door is always open, And It also good for the opportunity to join us. Thank you.        


This is my background experience at the university. I focus a student's movement, fight to school authorities for protecting our education right, and guard the printing room and stationery store. Skip.


And also make a green movement in that place. We declare climate crisis emergency declaration, first on the university. Declaration name of ‘Does spring ever return to this lost land?’ 


It’s time to introduce my research, I Majoring in social science at university. And Study with Ecological economics, environmental sociology, development studies, Korean philosophy. And this year, I focus on a green new deal. And also interesting De-growth, Geoism or Georgism, social economy, circular economy, climate depression, climate class, and climate finance are also primary topics. And than Study in Neodonala, research in Ecosophia lab


Lastly, this is thinker who I respect ever. Ivan Illich and Kim Sang bong as a philosopher, also like Karl Marx, Henry Georgy, and Karl Polanyi as a social scientist. I will carry their books, theory when I go to the grave. Just kidding. Someday I want to be a scholar, and I want to see all phenomena or social problems, crisis, by there point of view. That also connected my research topic on AYARF. I will theorize that can explain holistic about the tragedy we face on. Next page.


“The Global Ecocide of Korea companies” That’s my theme topic on second AYARF. I try to see ecological disruption and ecosystem exploitation in Asia and focus on the Korean enterprise’s chemical accident, overseas coal power plant investment, and land exploitation of palm oil. Key question is that ‘Why are Korean companies notorious as villains, especially in the destruction of the global ecosystem? What is the structural cause of them?" Korean companies are making Asia as hell now. Maybe you can find a multitude of cases.


The first case, Korindo and Posco international, Samsung’s illegal land exploitation of Indonesia Papua,


Second case. Kepco and Doosan, Samsung’s overseas coal power plant investment structure decision.


Third, LG Chem's India Bikashapatnam gas disaster. based on these cases, I try to make a theoretical solution, a theory that can analyze these accidents critically. At the same time, I'm going to research, make it public, and active. I want to gather people in AYARF and expand my vision. I must inform this tragedy. Everyone who use and buy these companies product, you have an obligation to know the truth. And I don’t forgive these companies, I will Break Greenwashing.


Time to say Goodbye. What I mention, we gain hope, when we realized that we look at the same star. Thank you to give me hope. Have a good day.

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