
You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin Jul 18. 2017

paddling to the paradise


It was a true getaway from reality. One of the good things living in Canada is that we can get out of daily routine at any time if we want to.

For the canoe trail of today, we had 6 people from Germany, two from Belgium, two from Canada, me & my daughter, and another two from Canada as trail guides. What a team of a perfect dozen!

My daughter has a fun memory of paddling a dragon boat when she was a freshman in the university of toronto. So as far as paddling is concerned she was not new. However at that time it was for a teamwork among more than twenty crews sitting on the long slim dragon boat while this time only three of us in the coanoe just enjoy the beauty of water world in the nature forgetting every other things around business or schooling in the big city.

Canoeing as a group gives us more fun. Some paddle faster and some go in zigzag but we need to maintain a group velocity as a whole. So we have a lot more chance to share jokes, big laughters, and hearthy smiles through the paddling process as a group.

What I like most on paddling is that it doesn't hurt anything. Our canoe just slides here and there on the surface of water disturbing nothing. Motorized vehicles are not allowed in the lakes in Algonquin area except emergency situation.

I whispered to myself that a paradise is but in here as well as in the heaven..

Stay calm and paddle in peace..

매거진의 이전글 gate-to-gate 3h 15min
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