
매거진 photo odyssey

You can make anything
by writing


by peter shin Jun 06. 2024

the way it works

@ the beach

I am still learning how our beautiful planet of earth works.

I never knew how a single bubble of foam, created by the ocean's waves, coexists with a tiny piece of sand on the beach, which has more sand particles than the number of stars in the universe.

As the entire system turns towards and away from us twice a day, everything flourishes and fades. The lunar system influences us every minute, while the solar system envelops us over a much longer period. Life comes with full of hope and departs with total emptiness.

No moon no lfe as no sun no life.   

영광이 태양함께. 또한 과 함께.

Magnificent, harmonious, beautiful and suave.. thanks for everything.

아버님을 모시고 동생 내외와 우리 내외가 함께한 이번 여행은 더 이상 좋을 수 없었다.

매거진의 이전글 reminiscence of life
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