
매거진 JaydenSelfDev

You can make anything
by writing


by 리버 Oct 09. 2018

How we are programmed at birth

by Dr.Bruce Lipton

95% of our life is comming from the program of life

How to live life that we get in the first 7 years of life.

That's why poor people stay poor, Rich people stay rich.

Move matrix is a documentary , not a science fiction.

Every human, it's a fact.

Every human first 7 years is... download to hypnosis.

The brain of child under 7 is a lower vibrational frequency when you put wires on a person's head.

you read electroencephalogram
( electroencephalogram : a drawing or image made by electroencephalograpy.

  electroencephalography : a machine that records the electrical activity of the brain. )

Reading brain activity.

A child below 7 has a lower vibration than consciousness.

It's called theta.

Theta is a imagination.

That's how kids play a tea party with mud pies.

but to them, it's a real thing.

A kid rides a broom. it's a horse.

That's theta, imagination.

Theta is a also hypnosis.

and the idea is this

before you can become conscious, 

if you don't have any programs, what are you going to be conscious of?

So nature makes the first 7 years 

what kind of program are required to live on this planet?

I say how do you get them?

Theta is hipnosis.

You just watch.

You watch your parent, siblings and community.

because you have to learn

how many hundreds thousand rules?

think about it.

just be a functional member of a family and a functional member of a community.

thera are rules.

teaching an infant these rules...

I say, you don't have to!

First 7 years they observe and download it..

Hypnosis  and repetition !

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