
You can make anything
by writing


by Ryan Park May 06. 2019

What Is Happiness?  

Happiness is being with your family. 

If someone ask you about happiness. Then what would like to say about it? Or what is your opinion? For me, happiness is being with your family. I just want to share my life with you today. Perhaps someone has same opinion or same experience with me or not.  But no worries. Everyone could have different expectation. So youu have to remember that you are worthy of respect as much as the other person.  Okay then, let me start to sahre my story with you. 

I am just normal person who live in South Korea for 9 years. I think I am normal but someone can think I am special or different with you. Because I am from North Korea. When I was 19 years old I escaped North Korea and got resettlment in South Korea in 2010. Also it is been 9 years that I live apart from my family. For living 9 years apart from family, it brings me lots of pain, loneliness and longing. Because I missed my my family so much. I was living with such a great familly. My Father was a engineer at paper-mill and my mom was a great middle school teacher at public shool. And I had a one sister and grandmother. 

Our familly was such a happiest family in our town. But I didn't feel satisfation about my family. Because we were kind of poor family. Maybe some of you understant about poverty of North Korean. When I was 7 I always had to worry aout every single meal that what you eat. Time goes by we were still starving with food. This kind of situation makes me have a desire to get out of North Korea. When I was graduate from high school, I realy want my family to make rich family. At least I wanted to be free from money and food. At that time, around me there are some familes who live just fine. which means they had enough food and they can spend money as much as they want. You know how they could live like that? They could live like that because they had some familly members in South Korea who is North Korean defectors. North Korean Defectors, they send money back to North Korea for their familly. that's how some people live well in North Korea. 

After graduate high shcool I made decision to get out of North Korea and support my familly with money. I realy wanted to make my familly to be free from food and money. That was the reason that I escaped North Korea.  After resettlement in South Korea I have been faced lots of things. Something was good and something was bad experience. But I want to say that lots of good people were around me and help me out. Past 9 years there were so many happiness and sadness. But when it happend there was no one that I can share with. that kind of happens was unhappiness for me. So far I realized that how important that you live with your familly. I just would like to say please love each familly member and to be nice each other. You don't realize how much importnat that you live with familly members. You only know how importance of familly role when you live apart from familly. 

Lastly I would like to share one more thing about God. For now God is my familly and my father. He always look after me and He listen to me when I call him. Perhaps  someone is surprised that why I am saying something about God. Am I christian? Do I believe in God? Yeah you are right. I am a christian and I believe in God. There is nothing compare to with God. God is good and always good. He knows me and He take care of everything I face. 

--- Wrote based on one of the North Korean defector interview___

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